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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
20131880년대 미국 북장로회 선교사 지침서에 대한 연구Theological Forum (신학논단)
201219세기 말 미국 북 장로회의 한국 선교 추진 과정에 대한 연구Journal of Korean Studies (동방학지)
1998307-bp fragment in HOXA7 upstream sequence is sufficient for anterior boundary formationDNA AND CELL BIOLOGY
20203D Imaging of the Transparent Mycobacterium tuberculosis-Infected Lung Verifies the Localization of Innate Immune Cells With Granuloma FRONTIERS IN CELLULAR AND INFECTION MICROBIOLOGY
201670-kDa Heat Shock Protein Downregulates Dynamin in Experimental Stroke: A New Therapeutic Target?STROKE
2019A bright blue fluorescent dextran for two-photon in vivo imaging of blood vesselsBioorganic Chemistry
2004A Cadaveric Analysis of the Ideal Costal Cartilage Graft for Asian RhinoplastyPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
1998A capsaicin-receptor antagonist, capsazepine, reduces inflammation-induced hyperalgesic responses in the rat: Evidence for an endogenous capsaicin-like substance.NEUROSCIENCE
2019A Detailed Analysis of the Blood Supply to the Subscapularis MuscleCLINICAL ANATOMY
2016A Great Teacher of Neurosurgery in Korea: Hun Jae Lee (1921-1983) YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2007A Homeotic Gene, Hoxc8, Regulates the Expression of Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen in NIH3T3 Cell Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2020A novel anatomical consideration on the exposed segment of the facial arteryCLINICAL ANATOMY
2002A novel factor associating with the upstream regulatory element of murine Hoxa-7 induces bacterial cell deathMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS
2003A Novel Gene, Jpk, Induces Apoptosis in F9 Murine Teratocarcinoma Cell through ROS GenerationANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
2012A novel protein Jpk induces bacterial cell death through reactive oxygen speciesGENE
2020A pathogen-derived metabolite induces microglial activation via odorant receptorsFEBS JOURNAL
2001A Plausible Method for the Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders Using Full Length cDNA Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2004A split ostectomy of mandibular body and angle reductionJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2003A study on Hox gene expression profile during murine liver regeneration. Journal of Experimental & Biomedcal Science (대한의생명과학회지)
2013A systematic survey of carbonic anhydrase mRNA expression during Mammalian inner ear development DEVELOPMENTAL DYNAMICS

