Browsing by Yonsei Author : Park, Yu Rang

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Park, Yu Rang [박유랑]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Biomedical Systems Informatics (의생명시스템정보학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (36841202200)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 50 of 85

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024A digital phenotyping dataset for impending panic symptoms: a prospective longitudinal study SCIENTIFIC DATA
2024PPFL: A personalized progressive federated learning method for leveraging different healthcare institution-specific features ISCIENCE
2024Mobile App–Assisted Parent Training Intervention for Behavioral Problems in Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR HUMAN FACTORS
2024Evaluation of conventional and quantum computing for predicting mortality based on small early-onset colorectal cancer dataApplied Soft Computing
2024Time Series AI Model for Acute Kidney Injury Detection Based on a Multicenter Distributed Research Network: Development and Verification Study JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2024Develop Method to Efficiently Apply Image-Based Facial Emotion Classification Models to Video DataWireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare
2024A Study on the Screening of Children at Risk for Developmental Disabilities Using Facial Landmarks Derived From a Mobile-Based Application PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2024Development and Validation of Adaptable Skin Cancer Classification System Using Dynamically Expandable Representation HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS RESEARCH
2024Screening of Moyamoya Disease from Retinal Photographs: Development and Validation of Deep Learning Algorithms STROKE
2024Development of a deep learning model to distinguish the cause of optic disc atrophy using retinal fundus photography SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Comprehensive Assessment and Early Prediction of Gross Motor Performance in Toddlers With Graph Convolutional Networks-Based Deep Learning: Development and Validation Study JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH
2023Characteristics and risk factors of suicide among people who attempted self-harm in South Korea: A longitudinal National Cohort Study in South Korea PSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2023Development of Deep Ensembles to Screen for Autism and Symptom Severity Using Retinal Photographs JAMA NETWORK OPEN
2023Three-dimensional label-free morphology of CD8 + T cells as a sepsis biomarker LIGHT-SCIENCE & APPLICATIONS
2023The Impact of a Mobile Support Group on Distress and Physical Activity in Breast Cancer Survivors: Randomized, Parallel-Group, Open-Label, Controlled Trial JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
2023Protocol for the development of joint attention-based subclassification of autism spectrum disorder and validation using multi-modal data BMC PSYCHIATRY
2023Development and Verification of Time-Series Deep Learning for Drug-Induced Liver Injury Detection in Patients Taking Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers: A Multicenter Distributed Research Network Approach HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS RESEARCH
2023Prognostic value of baseline and early treatment response of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio, C-reactive protein, and lactate dehydrogenase in non-small cell lung cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH
2023Metaverse-based social skills training programme for children with autism spectrum disorder to improve social interaction ability: an open-label, single-centre, randomised controlled pilot trial ECLINICALMEDICINE
2023Development and validation of an artificial intelligence model for the early classification of the aetiology of meningitis and encephalitis: a retrospective observational study ECLINICALMEDICINE
2023Development and Validation of a Joint Attention-Based Deep Learning System for Detection and Symptom Severity Assessment of Autism Spectrum Disorder JAMA NETWORK OPEN
2023Bleeding risk and mortality according to antithrombotic agents' exposure in cancer-related stroke patients: nationwide population-based cohort study in South Korea BMC NEUROLOGY
2023Investigation of the Relationship Between Psychiatry Visit and Suicide After Deliberate Self-harm: Longitudinal National Cohort Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2023Comorbidity Differences by Trajectory Groups as a Reference for Identifying Patients at Risk for Late Mortality in Childhood Cancer Survivors: Longitudinal National Cohort Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2023WICOX: Weight-Based Integrated Cox Model for Time-to-Event Data in Distributed Databases Without Data-SharingIEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS
2023Stratifying non-small cell lung cancer patients using an inverse of the treatment decision rules: validation using electronic health records with application to an administrative database BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING
2023VdistCox: Vertically distributed Cox proportional hazards model with hyperparameter optimization Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing
2023Multiview child motor development dataset for AI-driven assessment of child development GigaScience
2023Investigation of the Trajectory of Muscle and Body Mass as a Prognostic Factor in Patients With Colorectal Cancer: Longitudinal Cohort Study JMIR PUBLIC HEALTH AND SURVEILLANCE
2023Increased risk of incident diabetes after therapy with immune checkpoint inhibitor compared with conventional chemotherapy: A longitudinal trajectory analysis using a tertiary care hospital databaseMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2022Digital Device Exposure and Cognition Levels of Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Cross-sectional Study in Cambodia JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
2022Periodontal disease and cancer risk: A nationwide population-based cohort study FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2022Design and Methods of a Prospective Smartphone App-Based Study for Digital Phenotyping of Mood and Anxiety Symptoms Mixed With Centralized and Decentralized Research Form: The Search Your Mind (S.Y.M., ) Project PSYCHIATRY INVESTIGATION
2022Analyzing adverse drug reaction using statistical and machine learning methods: A systematic review MEDICINE
2022Development and Application of a Metaverse-Based Social Skills Training Program for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder to Improve Social Interaction: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial JMIR RESEARCH PROTOCOLS
2022Weight Loss Trajectories and Related Factors in a 16-Week Mobile Obesity Intervention Program: Retrospective Observational Study JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH
2022Implementation of an integrated home internet of things system for vulnerable older adults using a frailty-centered approach SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Using deep learning with attention mechanism for identification of novel temporal data patterns for prediction of ICU mortalityInformatics in Medicine Unlocked
2021Local Differential Privacy in the Medical Domain to Protect Sensitive Information: Algorithm Development and Real-World Validation JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021GLRX3, a novel cancer stem cell-related secretory biomarker of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma BMC CANCER
2021The Aging Study of Pyeongchang Rural Area (ASPRA): Findings and Perspectives for Human Aging, Frailty, and Disability ANNALS OF GERIATRIC MEDICINE AND RESEARCH
2021A Prediction Model for Detecting Developmental Disabilities in Preschool-Age Children Through Digital Biomarker-Driven Deep Learning in Serious Games: Development Study JMIR SERIOUS GAMES
2021Implementing Vertical Federated Learning Using Autoencoders: Practical Application, Generalizability, and Utility Study JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021Evaluation of the Privacy Risks of Personal Health Identifiers and Quasi-Identifiers in a Distributed Research Network: Development and Validation Study JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021Comparative Analysis of Single and Combined Antipyretics Using Patient-Generated Health Data: Retrospective Observational Study JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH
2021Review of National-Level Personal Health Records in Advanced Countries HEALTHCARE INFORMATICS RESEARCH
2021Weight-Based Framework for Predictive Modeling of Multiple Databases With Noniterative Communication Without Data Sharing: Privacy-Protecting Analytic Method for Multi-Institutional Studies JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021Interpretable Conditional Recurrent Neural Network for Weight Change Prediction: Algorithm Development and Validation Study JMIR MHEALTH AND UHEALTH
2021Sharing genetic variants with the NGS pipeline is essential for effective genomic data sharing and reproducibility in health information exchange SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Role of Preoperative Chemoradiotherapy in Clinical Stage II/III Rectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Total Mesorectal Excision: A Retrospective Propensity Score Analysis FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY

