2024 | Surgical and wound management for hand-localized kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: a case report
| Archives of Hand and Microsurgery |
2024 | Reconstruction methods for large cranial-nasal communications: surgeons’ concerns about proper anterior skull base reconstruction
| Archives of Hand and Microsurgery |
2024 | Reaching New Heights: A Comprehensive Study of Hand Transplantations in Korea after Institutionalization of Hand Transplantation Law
2024 | A Retrospective study of anatomical differences in levator aponeurosis angle and length in East-Asian blepharoplasty | JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2023 | A bipedicled keystone perforator island flap: Pedicle division technique with enhanced advancement potential for chronic wound coverage | JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY |
2023 | One Year Experience of the Hand Allotransplantation First Performed after Korea Organ Transplantation Act (KOTA) Amendment
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2023 | Reconstruction of a skull base defect with cutaneous nasocranial communication using a combination of an anterolateral thigh free flap and galeal flap division: a case report
| Archives of Hand and Microsurgery |
2023 | Is conservative management of partial zone II flexor tendon laceration possible? A systematic literature review and meta-analysis
2022 | Medical students' perceived stress and perceptions regarding clinical clerkship during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022 | Combined use of energy-based interventions with low-dose isotretinoin for the treatment of inflammatory acne: An retrospective cohort analysis | JOURNAL OF COSMETIC DERMATOLOGY |
2022 | Surgical considerations for syndactyly of the hand in harlequin ichthyosis: a 5-year experience of sequential surgical treatment in a single patient
| Archives of Hand and Microsurgery |
2022 | Methodology in Conventional Head and Neck Reconstruction Following Robotic Cancer Surgery: A Bridgehead Robotic Head and Neck Reconstruction
2022 | Perforating patterns of cutaneous perforator vessels in anterolateral thigh flaps for head and neck reconstruction and clinical outcomes
| Archives of Craniofacial Surgery |
2022 | Super-thin ALT flap elevation using preoperative color doppler ultrasound planning: Identification of horizontally running pathway at the deep adipofascial layers | JOURNAL OF PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTIVE AND AESTHETIC SURGERY |
2021 | Anterior skull base reconstruction using an anterolateral thigh free flap
| Archives of Craniofacial Surgery |
2021 | Combination treatment utilizing fractional ablative and continuous wave CO 2 lasers for hypertrophic burn scars | BURNS |
2021 | Anterolateral thigh free flaps and radial forearm free flaps in head and neck reconstruction: A 20-year analysis from a single institution
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2020 | Staged reconstruction of a chronically infected large skull defect using free tissue transfer and a patient-specific polyetheretherketone implant
| Archives of Craniofacial Surgery |
2020 | One-year clinical outcomes of coronary chronic total occlusion intervention in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable angina: from the Korean chronic total occlusion registry | CORONARY ARTERY DISEASE |
2020 | Demographic Factors of Nasal Bone Fractures and Social Reflection | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2020 | Huge Anterior Skull Base Defect Reconstruction on Communicating Between Cranium and Nasal Cavity: Combination Flap of Galeal Flap and Reverse Temporalis Flap | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2019 | 로봇재건수술을 위한 미세수술 훈련
| Archives of Hand and Microsurgery |
2019 | Extended temporalis flap for skull base reconstruction
| Archives of Craniofacial Surgery |
2019 | Analysis of factors involved in brain-death donor processing for face transplantation in Korea: How much time is available from brain death to transplantation?
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2019 | Combined Therapeutic Strategies for Keloid Treatment | DERMATOLOGIC SURGERY |
2018 | Oral propranolol therapy in 23 infants with infantile hemangioma
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2018 | Incorporating a continuous suction system as a preventive measure against fistula-related complications in head and neck reconstructive surgery
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2018 | Demographic characteristics of craniosynostosis patients in Asia | JOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2017 | Immune Tolerance of Human Dental Pulp-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Mediated by CD4⁺CD25⁺FoxP3⁺ Regulatory T-Cells and Induced by TGF-β1 and IL-10.
2017 | Reconstruction for Skull Base Defect Using Fat-Containing Perifascial Areolar Tissue | ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY |
2015 | Botulinum toxin A affects early capsule formation around silicone implants in a rat model | ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY |
2015 | Lateral Oropharyngeal Wall Coverage with Buccinator Myomucosal and Buccal Fat Pad Flaps
| Archives of Plastic Surgery |
2014 | Outcome With Immediate Direct Anastomosis of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves Injured During Thyroidectomy | LARYNGOSCOPE |
2014 | The Abdominal Fascial Closure in a Double-Breasted Jacket Pattern Following a TRAM Free Flap Breast Reconstruction | JOURNAL OF RECONSTRUCTIVE MICROSURGERY |
2013 | An analysis of the experiences of 62 patients with moderate complications after full-face fat injection for augmentation. | PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY |
2013 | Endoscopic Thyroidectomy via a Transaxillary Approach Is a Safe Procedure in Patients With Breast Augmentation | SURGICAL INNOVATION |
2013 | Ischemic Oculomotor Nerve Palsy and Skin Necrosis Caused by Vascular Embolization After Hyaluronic Acid Filler Injection: A Case Report | ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY |
2013 | 정제된 구조적 미세지방이식을 이용한 함몰 안검 및 다중겹 눈꺼풀의 교정 | ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY |
2013 | The Effects of Botulinum Toxin A on Collagen Synthesis, Expression of MMP (matrix metalloproteinases)-1,2,9 and TIMP (tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase)-1 in the Keloid Fibroblasts | ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY |
2012 | 안면이식에 대한 최근 동향: 한국에서의 안면이식은 어떤 단계에 있는가?
| Archives of Craniofacial Surgery |
2012 | An analysis of the experiences of 62 patients with moderate complications after full-face fat injection for augmentation | PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY |
2012 | 보형물을 이용한 유방재건술에서 새롭게 개발된 무세포 동종사체진피(CG DermTM)사용의 유용성에 대한 전향적 연구 | ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY |
2011 | Descending necrotizing mediastinitis and facial palsy as serial complications in orthognathic surgery | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2011 | 돼지진피조직(Porcine Dermal Matrix, )을 이용한 보형물 유방재건술: 무세포성 사체 진피 (Acellular Cadaveric Dermis, )와 비교 연구
| Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (대한성형외과학회지) |
2011 | 치원성 표피 누공과 연관된 만성 창상의 증례보고
| Journal of the Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (대한성형외과학회지) |
2011 | Transport disc distraction osteogenesis for the reconstruction of a calvarial defect | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2010 | Evaluation of the efficacy of microsurgical practice through time factor added protocol: microsurgical training using nonvital material | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2010 | The effect of human placenta extract in a wound healing model | ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY |
2010 | 제2족지 수질부 유리피판을 이용한 수지첨부재건 치험례
| Journal of the Korean Society for Microsurgery (대한미세수술학회지) |
2010 | Effects of human cord blood mesenchymal stem cells on cutaneous wound healing in leprdb mice | ANNALS OF PLASTIC SURGERY |