Browsing by Yonsei Author : Choi, Jong Hoon

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Choi, Jong Hoon [최종훈]
Department :
College of Dentistry (치과대학) - Dept. of Orofacial Pain and Oral Medicine (구강내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (8394928500)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 50 of 90

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2023The association between autoantibody types and salivary gland hypofunction in patients with primary Sjögren's syndromeJOURNAL OF ORAL PATHOLOGY & MEDICINE
2022A Study on the Effect of Media Education in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorders Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2022Obstructive Sialadenitis associated with Injectable Facial Fillers Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2022Maxillary Sinusitis Resembling Trigeminal Neuralgia Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2021Effects of the Washing Time and Washing Solution on the Biocompatibility and Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed Dental Resin Materials POLYMERS
2021Myositis Associated with Infratemporal Space Abscess in Patient with Myxofibrosarcoma of Nasal Cavity: Case Report Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2021Treatment of Morsicatio Buccarum by Oral Appliance: Case Report Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2021Evaluation of abrasion for non-abrasive denture cleanser Journal of Korean Society of Dental Hygiene(한국치위생학회지)
2021Sestrin2 Regulates Osteoclastogenesis via the p62-TRAF6 Interaction FRONTIERS IN CELL AND DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY
2020The Association Between Masticatory Function Assessment and Masseter Muscle Thickness in the Elderly Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2020Fungal Osteomyelitis of Temporomandibular Joint and Skull Base Caused by Chronic Otitis Media Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2020CT-like MRI using the zero-TE technique for osseous changes of the TMJDENTOMAXILLOFACIAL RADIOLOGY
2019The Use of Salivary Gland Scintigraphy for Diagnosis of Primary Sjögren Syndrome and Thyroid Disease in Patients with Dry Mouth Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2019Vestibular Schwannoma Presenting with Orofacial Dysesthesia: A Case Report Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2019Oral manifestation of paraneoplastic pemphigus Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2019The Effect of Dilution with 10% Dextrose Solution on the Potency of Botulinum Toxin A Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2019Assessment of tooth wear based on autofluorescence properties measured using the QLF technology in vitroPHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY
2018Toothache Caused by Sialolithiasis of the Submandibular Gland Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2018Sjögren Syndrome after Radioiodine Therapy in Thyroid Cancer Patients Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2017Drug-induced Gingival Overgrowth Related to Sirolimus and Felodipine Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2016Numb chin syndrome as first symptom of diffuse large B-cell lymphomaJournal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2016Case report of the squamous cell carcinoma in patient with oral lichen planusJournal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2016Plaque autofluorescence as potential diagnostic targets for oral malodorJOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL OPTICS
2016Clinical assessment of oral malodor using autofluorescence of tongue coatingPHOTODIAGNOSIS AND PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY
2015장기요양시설 요양보호사의 구강건강관리에 대한 지식, 태도, 행동 Journal of Dental Hygiene Science (치위생과학회지)
2015Oral Hairy Leukoplakia in Patient with Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2015Ca(2+) is a Regulator of the WNK/OSR1/NKCC Pathway in a Human Salivary Gland Cell Line KOREAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY & PHARMACOLOGY
2014Synovial Chondromatosis in Temporomandibular Joint Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2014Nasopharyngeal Cancer with Temporomandibular Disorder and Neurologic Symptom: A Case Report Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
2014Effect of 0.1% pilocarpine mouthwash on xerostomia:double-blind, randomised controlled trialJOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION
2013Changes in masticatory function after injection of botulinum toxin type A to masticatory musclesJOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION
2013제 3 대구치의 치근단 농양으로 인한 측두하악장애 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2013The influence of Botulinum toxin type A on masticatory efficiencyJournal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2013Three-dimensional Courses of Zygomaticofacial and Zygomaticotemporal Canals Using Micro-computed Tomography in KoreanJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2012만성 C형 간염의 약물 치료와 연관된 구강 내 색소 침착의 치험례 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2012Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2012Effect of sodium lauryl sulfate on recurrent aphthous stomatitis: a randomized controlled clinical trialORAL DISEASES
2011Study of Disclusion Time during Mandibular Eccentric Movement in Myofascial Pain Syndrome Patients by T-Scan Ⅱ, Computerized Occlusal Analysis System Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2011Quality of Life in Korean Patients with Burning Mouth Syndrome Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2010스텐트를 이용한 만성 궤양성 치은 병소의 국소 스테로이드 치료 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2010측두하악장애 환자에서 저작 효율 및 구강건강관련 삶의 질 평가Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2010The chronology of second and third molar development in Koreans and its application to forensic age estimationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2010Red ginseng saponin extract attenuates murine collagen-induced arthritis by reducing pro-inflammatory responses and matrix metalloproteinase-3 expression. BIOLOGICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN
2010Anti-inflammatory effects of licorice and roasted licorice extracts on TPA-induced acute inflammation and collagen-induced arthritis in mice Journal of Biomedicine & Biotechnology
2010Intramuscular nerve distribution of the masseter muscle as a basis for botulinum toxin injectionJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2010Use of botulinum toxin type A injection for neuropathic pain after trigeminal nerve injuryPAIN MEDICINE
2010Application of ICHD-II criteria for headaches in a TMJ and orofacial pain clinicCEPHALALGIA
2009구강 작열감 증후군에서 클로나제팜의 국소적 적용 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)
2009Effect of botulinum toxin type A injection into human masseter muscle on stimulated parotid saliva flow rateINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2008하악 과두에 이환된 악골 골수염 Journal of Korean Academy of Oral Medicine (대한구강내과학회지)

