Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Hye Sun

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Lee, Hye Sun [이혜선]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Yonsei Biomedical Research Center (연세의생명연구원)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 566

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Gallstone Dissolution Effects of Combination Therapy with n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Ursodeoxycholic Acid: A Randomized, Prospective, Preliminary Clinical Trial GUT AND LIVER
2024Trajectories of triglyceride-glucose index changes and their association with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a competing risk analysis CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY
2024Incidence rate of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis and the effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY
2024Synergistic prognostic impact of hemoglobin and skeletal muscle index in patients with colorectal cancerCLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN
2024Association between carbohydrate to protein or fat ratio and mortality: A prospective cohort studyCLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN
2024Safety and impact of the Mediterranean diet in patients with chronic kidney disease: a pilot randomized crossover trial FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
2024Association between dairy-rich dietary pattern and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: Findings from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology StudyDIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE
2024Predictors associated with the rate of progression of nigrostriatal degeneration in Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2024Prognostic significance of serum creatinine and sarcopenia for 5-year overall survival in patients with colorectal cancer in Korea: a comparative study Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
2024Varying clinical relevance of sarcopenia and myosteatosis according to age among patients with postoperative colorectal cancer JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING
2024Influence of psychological factors and pain sensitivity on the efficacy of opioid-free anesthesia: A randomized clinical trialGENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY
2024Feasibility and limitations of deep learning-based coronary calcium scoring in PET-CT: a comparison with coronary calcium score CTEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2024Prescription patterns and effectiveness of medications for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A retrospective study of real-world settings PLOS ONE
2024No Change in Complications Following Thyroidectomy Despite Increase in Thyroid Cancer Surgeries: A Meta-Regression Analysis YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Hypoperfusion in Alzheimer's Disease-Prone Regions and Dementia Conversion in Parkinson's DiseaseCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2024Sarcopenia, a Risk Predictor of Postoperative Acute Kidney Injury in Elderly Patients after Hip Fracture Surgery: A Retrospective Analysis MEDICINA-LITHUANIA
2024Use of stepwise lung recruitment maneuver to predict fluid responsiveness under lung protective ventilation in the operating room SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Effectiveness of endovascular treatment for in-hospital stroke vs. community-onset stroke: a propensity score-matched analysisJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2024Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Newly Developed Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration Risk in Patients with Prostate Cancer JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2024Association between experience of insulin resistance and long-term cardiovascular disease risk: findings from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study (KOGES)ENDOCRINE
2024Non-Insulin-Based Indices of Insulin Resistance for Predicting Incident Albuminuria: A Nationwide Population-Based Study Korean Journal of Family Medicine(가정의학회지)
2024Difference in association of carbohydrate intake with all-cause mortality between middle-aged and older Korean adults with and without diabetes mellitus: A prospective studyCLINICAL NUTRITION
2024Association of Basal Forebrain Volume with Amyloid, Tau, and Cognition in Alzheimer's DiseaseJOURNAL OF ALZHEIMERS DISEASE
2024AI analytics can be used as imaging biomarkers for predicting invasive upgrade of ductal carcinoma in situ INSIGHTS INTO IMAGING
2024Association between Consumption of Iodine-Rich Foods and Thyroid Cancer Prevalence: Findings from a Large Population-Based Study NUTRIENTS
2024Patterns of regional cerebral hypoperfusion in early Parkinson's disease: Clinical implicationsPARKINSONISM & RELATED DISORDERS
2024Trajectories of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk scores as a predictor for incident chronic kidney disease BMC NEPHROLOGY
2024Comparative Analysis of Clinical Outcomes Using Propensity Score Matching: Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. Seasonal Influenza in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2024Triglyceride-glucose-waist circumference index predicts the incidence of cardiovascular disease in Korean populations: competing risk analysis of an 18-year prospective study EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH
2024Functional Outcomes Associated With Blood Pressure Decrease After Endovascular Thrombectomy JAMA NETWORK OPEN
2024Dietary Habits of Newly Diagnosed Patients with Breast Cancer in Korea Korean Journal of Family Medicine(가정의학회지)
2024Attentional state-synchronous peripheral electrical stimulation during action observation induced distinct modulation of corticospinal plasticity after stroke FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE
2024Sex differences in the relationship between serum total bilirubin and risk of incident metabolic syndrome in community-dwelling adults: Propensity score analysis using longitudinal cohort data over 16 years CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY
2024A Short Fully Covered Self-Expandable Metal Stent for Management of Benign Biliary Stricture Not Caused by Living-Donor Liver Transplantation JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2024Hippocampal Perfusion Affects Motor and Cognitive Functions in Parkinson Disease: An Early Phase 18F-FP-CIT Positron Emission Tomography StudyANNALS OF NEUROLOGY
2024Association between substantia nigra degeneration and functional outcome in patients with basal ganglia infarctionEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2024Real-World Eligibility and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Empagliflozin for Heart Failure in Korea JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2024Comparison of Remimazolam versus Sevoflurane on the Postoperative Quality of Recovery in Cervical Spine Surgery: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Double-Blind Trial DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY
2024Association between tamoxifen and incidence of osteoporosis in Korean patients with ductal carcinoma in situ FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2024Intracorporeal versus extracorporeal anastomosis in minimally invasive right hemicolectomy: systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials ANNALS OF SURGICAL TREATMENT AND RESEARCH
2024Association Between Decreased Renal Function and Pulmonary Function Decline in Community-dwelling Adults IN VIVO
2024Effect of 10 Minutes of Prewarming and Prewarmed Intravenous Fluid Administration on the Core Temperature of Patients Undergoing Transurethral Surgery under General Anesthesia INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
2023ASO Visual Abstract: Machine Learning Algorithms Using Systemic Inflammatory Markers for Predicting the Oncological Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer After SurgeryANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Combined impact of myosteatosis and liver steatosis on prognosis in stage I–III colorectal cancer patients JOURNAL OF CACHEXIA SARCOPENIA AND MUSCLE
2023Comparison of Diagnostic Performances among Different Interpretation Schemes for Screening Mammography: A simulation study Journal of the Korean Society for Breast Screening(대한유방검진학회지)
2023Is the cingulate island sign a marker for early dementia conversion in Parkinson's disease?EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2023The Intraoperative Administration of Dexmedetomidine Alleviates Postoperative Inflammatory Response in Patients Undergoing Laparoscopy-Assisted Gastrectomy: A Double-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial BIOMEDICINES
2023Machine-Learning Algorithms Using Systemic Inflammatory Markers to Predict the Oncologic Outcomes of Colorectal Cancer After SurgeryANNALS OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Learnability of Thyroid Nodule Assessment on Ultrasonography: Using a Big Data SetULTRASOUND IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY
2023Amyloid and tau-PET in early-onset AD: Baseline data from the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer′s Disease Study (LEADS) ALZHEIMERS & DEMENTIA

