2019 | Beyond Endodontic MicroSurgery 2: Transplantation | Current Oral Health Reports |
2017 | Proteome Expression in Human Periodontal Ligament after Delayed Hypothermic Preservation | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2017 | Effect of Topical Anesthesia on Pain from Needle Insertion and Injection and Its Relationship with Anxiety in Patients Awaiting Apical Surgery: A Randomized Double-blind Clinical Trial | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2017 | Clinical Outcomes after Intentional Replantation of Periodontally Involved Teeth | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2016 | Survival Rate of Teeth with a C-shaped Canal after Intentional Replantation: A Study of 41 Cases for up to 11 Years | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2016 | Evaluation of the Viability of Rat Periodontal Ligament Cells after Storing at 0oC/2 Mpa Condition up to One Week: In Vivo MTT Method
| Journal of Korean Dental Science |
2016 | Retention and Healing Outcomes after Intentional Replantation | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2016 | Prognostic Factors for Clinical Outcomes in Autotransplantation of Teeth with Complete Root Formation: Survival Analysis for up to 12 Years | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2015 | Comparisons of the Retreatment Efficacy of Calcium Silicate and Epoxy Resin-based Sealers and Residual Sealer in Dentinal Tubules | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2015 | 지연된 의도적 재색술을 통한 치주 조직 재생 방법의 고찰
| Journal of the Korean Dental Association (대한치과의사협회지) |
2015 | Vertical Bone Growth after Autotransplantation of Mature Third Molars: 2 Case Reports with Long-term Follow-up | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2014 | Effect of EDTA on Attachment and Differentiation of Dental Pulp Stem Cells | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2014 | Delayed intentional replantation of periodontally hopeless teeth: a retrospective study
2013 | Prognostic Factors of Clinical Outcomes in Endodontic Microsurgery: A Prospective Study | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2013 | Autotransplantation of Immature Third Molars Using a Computer-aided Rapid Prototyping Model: A Report of 4 Cases | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2013 | Prognostic Factors for Clinical Outcomes According to Time after Direct Pulp Capping | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2012 | Hypoesthesia after IAN block anesthesia with lidocaine: management of mild to moderate nerve injury
| Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics |
2012 | Minimizing the extra-oral time in autogeneous tooth transplantation: use of computer-aided rapid prototyping (CARP) as a duplicate model tooth
| Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics |
2012 | 비조절성 제2형 당뇨 환자의 치아 탈구 손상에 따른 치수 괴사: 증례 보고
| Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics |
2012 | 생활치에서 나타나는 치근단 병소: 보존적 치료 후 자연치유
| Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics |
2012 | Changes in periodontium after extraction of a periodontally-involved tooth in rats
2012 | Long-term outcome of the cases classified as successes based on short-term follow-up in endodontic microsurgery | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2012 | Morphology of maxillary first and second molars analyzed by cone-beam computed tomography in a korean population: variations in the number of roots and canals and the incidence of fusion | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2012 | Failure of setting of mineral trioxide aggregate in the presence of fetal bovine serum and its prevention | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2012 | Assessment of daily exposure of endodontic personnel to extremely low frequency magnetic fields | INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL |
2012 | Immunohistochemical analysis of pulpal regeneration by nestin expression in replanted teeth | INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL |
2012 | Doppler ultrasound to detect pulpal blood flow changes during local anaesthesia | INTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL |
2011 | Prognostic factors for clinical outcomes in endodontic microsurgery: a retrospective study | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2011 | Continued development of the root separated from the main root | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2011 | Comparison of the reliability of "0.5" and "APEX" mark measurements in two frequency-based electronic apex locators | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2011 | 과도한 교정력에 의한 부분 치수괴사: 증례보고
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2011 | 치근단절제술에 대한 환자의 인식과 만족도 조사
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2010 | 2 종 전자근관장측정기의 정확도 및 일관성에 관한 in vivo 연구
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2010 | 흰 쥐 치아 재식 후 치수 치유 양상의 조직학적 관찰
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2010 | 고압-저온 보관에 따른 쥐 치아 치주인대세포의 활성도 평가
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2010 | Pulpal blood flow measurement with ultrasound Doppler imaging | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2010 | Evaluation of vitrification for cryopreservation of teeth
2010 | 냉장보존 및 냉동보존이 성견 치주인대세포 생존능에 미치는 영향
| Biomaterials Research (생체재료학회지) |
2010 | Comparison of the cleaning efficacy of a new apical negative pressure irrigating system with conventional irrigation needles in the root canals | ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS |
2010 | X-Ray diffraction analysis of white ProRoot MTA and Diadent BioAggregate | ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS |
2009 | 구강상피세포의 냉동보관 방법에 따른 세포생존률 비교
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2009 | 압력 저속 냉동 방법의 쥐 치아 치주인대세포 보존 효율 평가
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2008 | Propidium monoazide와 real-time PCR을 이용한 살아있는 Enterococcus faecalis의 선택적인 검출
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2008 | 자기장 저속 냉동보관법을 이용한 쥐 치아 치주인대세포의 활성도 검사
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2008 | 2종 전자근관장측정기의 일관성에 관한 in vitro 연구
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2008 | Prospective clinical study evaluating endodontic microsurgery outcomes for cases with lesions of endodontic origin compared with cases with lesions of combined periodontal-endodontic origin. | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2008 | An evaluation of buccal infiltrations and inferior alveolar nerve blocks in pulpal anesthesia for mandibular first molars | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2008 | Biologically based treatment of immature permanent teeth with pulpal necrosis: a case series | JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS |
2008 | Modified Continuous Wave Technique을 이용한 근관충전시 형성된 치근단 크기가 치근단 폐쇄에 미치는 영향
| Journal of Korean Academy of Operative Dentistry (대한치과보존학회지) |
2007 | An MTT-based method for quantification of periodontal ligament cell viability | ORAL DISEASES |