Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Kyoung Hwa

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Lee, Kyoung Hwa [이경화]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Internal Medicine (내과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56955948100)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 56

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Dysbiosis of the gut microbiota is associated with in-hospital mortality in patients with antibiotic-associated diarrhoea: A metagenomic analysisINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS
2024Development of optimal indoor air disinfection and ventilation protocols for airborne infectious diseases PLOS ONE
2024Shifting trends in bloodstream infection-causing microorganisms and their clinical impact in patients with haematologic malignancies in South Korea: A propensity score-matched studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS
2024Persistent differences in the immunogenicity of the two COVID-19 primary vaccines series, modulated by booster mRNA vaccination and breakthrough infectionVACCINE
2024Overcoming the age-dependent SARS-CoV-2 vaccine response through hybrid immunity: analysis of humoral and cellular immunity with mass cytometry profiling IMMUNITY & AGEING
2024Physical Activity and the incidence of sepsis: A 10-year observational study among 4 million adults JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2024The Relation Between Cigarette Smoking and Development of Sepsis: A 10-Year Follow-Up Study of Four Million Adults from the National Health Screening Program JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND GLOBAL HEALTH
2024Intrahospital transmission and infection control of Candida auris originating from a severely infected COVID-19 patient transferred abroadJOURNAL OF HOSPITAL INFECTION
2023Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacterales 감시 배양의 의미와 임상 적용 Korean Journal of Healthcare-associated Infection Control and Prevention(의료관련감염관리)
2023Clinical utility of quantitative immunoassays and surrogate virus neutralization tests for predicting neutralizing activity against the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.5 variantsJOURNAL OF MEDICAL VIROLOGY
2023Prevalence of carbapenemase producing Enterobacterales colonization and risk factor of clinical infection JOURNAL OF INFECTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2023Differences of clinical characteristics and outcome in proven invasive Trichosporon infections caused by asahii and non-asahii speciesMYCOSES
2023Potential causal effect of contact precautions and isolation on Clostridioides difficile infection in the hyperendemic setting: Interrupted time-series analyses before and after implementation JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2023Changes in the prevalence of pathogens causing hospital-acquired bacterial pneumonia and the impact of their antimicrobial resistance patterns on clinical outcomes: A propensity-score-matched studyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS
2023Immune Response Kinetics Following a Third Heterologous BNT162b2 Booster Dose After Primary 2-Dose ChAdOx1 Vaccination in Relation to Omicron Breakthrough Infection: A Prospective Nationwide Cohort Study in South Korea OPEN FORUM INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2023Immunogenicity and Safety of Vaccines against Coronavirus Disease in Actively Treated Patients with Solid Tumors: A Prospective Cohort Study CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2022Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 Neutralizing Activity and Protective Immunity in Different Vaccine Types Using Three Surrogate Virus Neutralization Test Assays and Two Semiquantitative Binding Assays Targeting the Receptor-Binding Domain MICROBIOLOGY SPECTRUM
2022Discrepancy of C-Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin and Interleukin-6 at Hospitalization: Infection in Patients with Normal C-Reactive Protein, Procalcitonin and High Interleukin-6 Values JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2022Increase of multidrug-resistant bacteria after the COVID-19 pandemic in South Korea: Time-series analyses of a long-term multicenter cohort JOURNAL OF INFECTION
2022Reactogenicity and Immunogenicity of the ChAdOx1 nCOV-19 Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine in South Korean Healthcare Workers YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Heterologous ChAdOx1 and Bnt162b2 vaccination induces strong neutralizing antibody responses against SARS-CoV-2 including delta variant with tolerable reactogenicity CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND INFECTION
2022Epidemiological changes in cytomegalovirus end-organ diseases in a developed country: A nationwide, general-population-based study JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2022Kinetics of vaccine-induced neutralizing antibody titers and estimated protective immunity against wild-type SARS-CoV-2 and the Delta variant: A prospective nationwide cohort study comparing three COVID-19 vaccination protocols in South Korea FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2022Association of cytomegalovirus diseases with newly developed myocardial infarction and congestive heart failure: data from a national population-based cohort ARCHIVES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE
2022Use of antimicrobial agents in actively dying inpatients after suspension of life-sustaining treatments: Suggestion for antimicrobial stewardship JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2022Clinical Implication of Candida Score in Multidrug-Resistant Pneumonia with Airway Candida Colonization INFECTION AND CHEMOTHERAPY
2022Safety and immunogenicity of two recombinant DNA COVID-19 vaccines containing the coding regions of the spike or spike and nucleocapsid proteins: an interim analysis of two open-label, non-randomised, phase 1 trials in healthy adults LANCET MICROBE
2022Human MicroRNAs Attenuate the Expression of Immediate Early Proteins and HCMV Replication during Lytic and Latent Infection in Connection with Enhancement of Phosphorylated RelA/p65 (Serine 536) That Binds to MIEP INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2022Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Risk of Lung Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2022Prediction of Bacteremia Based on 12-Year Medical Data Using a Machine Learning Approach: Effect of Medical Data by Extraction Time DIAGNOSTICS
2021Incidence rate of active tuberculosis in solid organ transplant recipients: Data from a nationwide population cohort in a high-endemic countryTRANSPLANT INFECTIOUS DISEASE
2021Optimal Triage for COVID-19 Patients Under Limited Health Care Resources With a Parsimonious Machine Learning Prediction Model and Threshold Optimization Using Discrete-Event Simulation: Development Study JMIR MEDICAL INFORMATICS
2021No Change of Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia after the COVID-19 Pandemic: Multicenter Time-Series Analyses JOURNAL OF FUNGI
2021Effectiveness of Convalescent Plasma Therapy in Severe or Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2021Incidence of herpes zoster in adult solid organ transplant recipients: A meta-analysis and comprehensive reviewTRANSPLANT INFECTIOUS DISEASE
2021The Incidence and Effect of Cytomegalovirus Disease on Mortality in Transplant Recipients and General Population: Real-world Nationwide Cohort Data INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICAL SCIENCES
2021Characteristics of community-acquired respiratory viruses infections except seasonal influenza in transplant recipients and non-transplant critically ill patients JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY IMMUNOLOGY AND INFECTION
2020Is Only Clarithromycin Susceptibility Important for the Successful Eradication of Helicobacter pylori? ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL
2020Efficacy and Gut Dysbiosis of Gentamicin-Intercalated Smectite as a New Therapeutic Agent against Helicobacter pylori in a Mouse Model ANTIBIOTICS-BASEL
2020국내 종합병원에서 발생한 KPC-2 생성 Klebsiella pneumoniae 집단 발생에 대한 역학 분석 연구 Annals of Clinical Microbiology
2020Association between cytomegalovirus end-organ diseases and moderate-to-severe dementia: a population-based cohort study BMC NEUROLOGY
2020Effects of Multidrug-resistant Bacteria in Donor Lower Respiratory Tract on Early Posttransplant Pneumonia in Lung Transplant Recipients Without Pretransplant InfectionTRANSPLANTATION
2020De Novo Genotypic Heterogeneity in the UL56 Region in Cytomegalovirus-Infected Tissues: Implications for Primary Letermovir ResistanceJOURNAL OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2019Impact of Cytomegalovirus Disease on New-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Population-Based Matched Case-Control Cohort Study DIABETES & METABOLISM JOURNAL
2019Human cytomegalovirus seroprevalence and titres in solid organ transplant recipients and transplant donors in Seoul, South Korea BMC INFECTIOUS DISEASES
2019Early Detection of Bacteraemia Using Ten Clinical Variables with an Artificial Neural Network Approach Journal of Clinical Medicine
2019Can Aminoglycosides Be Used as a New Treatment for Helicobacter pylori? In vitro Activity of Recently Isolated Helicobacter pylori Infection and Chemotherapy (감염과 화학요법)
2018Expression of human miR-200b-3p and -200c-3p in cytomegalovirus-infected tissuesBIOSCIENCE REPORTS
2018Acquisition of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae in Solid Organ Transplantation Recipients TRANSPLANTATION PROCEEDINGS
2018Peptide Nucleic Acid Probe-Based Analysis as a New Detection Method for Clarithromycin Resistance in Helicobacter pylori GUT AND LIVER

