One hundred human cerebral hemispheres from 50 cadevers were dissected for evaluation on the variation of the tentorial sinus. Tentorial sinuses were found in 43 hemispheres which revealed a total of 63 branches. Tentorial sinuses were observed bilaterally in 14 cadevers and unilaterally in 15, but were absent in 21 cadevers. We divided the draining site of the tentorial sinuses at the straingt sinus into 3 zones : Zone 1, anterior one third one third of the straight sinus, into which 15 out of 63 tentorial sinuses were found to be drained, zone 2 which is the most prevalent site, middle one third of the straight sinus draining 27 out of 63 tentorial sinuses and zone 3, posterior one third of the straight sinus draining 21 out of 63 tentorial sinuses.