1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2010A hypoxia- and {alpha}-fetoprotein-dependent oncolytic adenovirus exhibits specific killing of hepatocellular carcinomas CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2010Current advances in adenovirus nanocomplexes: more specificity and less immunogenicity BMB REPORTS
2010Enhanced delivery of adenovirus, using proteoliposomes containing wildtype or V156K apolipoprotein A-I and dimyristoylphosphatidylcholineHUMAN GENE THERAPY
2010Z-FA-FMK as a novel potent inhibitor of reovirus pathogenesis and oncolysis in vivoANTIVIRAL THERAPY
2010A modified hTERT promoter-directed oncolytic adenovirus replication with concurrent inhibition of TGFbeta signaling for breast cancer therapy. CANCER GENE THERAPY
2010상용화 된 고속카메라와 후두내시경을 이용한 성대촬영 방법의 소개 Journal of the Korean Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (대한음성언어의학회지)
2010IgE binding epitopes of Bla g 6 from German cockroachPROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS
2010IgE-binding epitope analysis of Bla g 5, the German cockroach allergenPROTEIN AND PEPTIDE LETTERS
2010Fauna of Non-biting Midges (Diptera, Chironomidae) from Soyang River in Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do, Korea Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology (한국동물분류학회지)
2010환경유래 식품오염물질의 우선순위 선정 기법 (Food-CRS-Korea)의 개발과 적용 Environmental Health and Toxicology
2010아나운서와 일반인 화자의 음성차이분석에 대한 실험 연구KBS 한국어연구논문집
2010성악발성과 실용음악발성의 비교연구 Journal of the Korean Society of Speechc Sciences (말소리와 음성과학)
2010Nine Polypedilum Species (Diptera, Chironomidae) New to Korea Collected Near Namdae-stream, Muju Korean Journal of Systematic Zoology (한국동물분류학회지)
2010Population Dynamics of Five Anopheles Species of the Hyrcanus Group in Northern Gyeonggi-do, Korea KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2010Enzymatic activities of allergen extracts from three species of dust mites and cockroaches commonly found in Korean home. KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2010Ionically crosslinked Ad/chitosan nanocomplexes processed by electrospinning for targeted cancer gene therapyJOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE
2010Overexpression of phosphoinositide-3-kinase class II alpha enhances mesenchymal stem cell survival in infarcted myocardium.BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2010Relationship between the diagnostic components of metabolic syndrome (MS) and cognition by ApoE genotype in the elderlyARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS
2010Development of bimolecular fluorescence complementation using Dronpa for visualization of protein-protein interactions in cellsMOLECULAR IMAGING AND BIOLOGY

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