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Predominant role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in VEGF-induced an...

Dai Fukumura ; Takeshi Gohongi ; Ananth Kadambi ; Yotaro Izumi ; Jennifer Ang... PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, Vol.98(5) : 2604-2609, 2001

Direct inhibition of the longevity-promoting factor SKN-1 by insulin-lik...

Jennifer M. A. Tullet ; Maren Hertweck ; Jae Hyung An ; Joseph Baker ; Ji Yun... CELL, Vol.132(6) : 1025-1038, 2008

Drosophila microbiome modulates host developmental and metabolic homeost...

Seung Chul Shin ; Sung-Hee Kim ; Hyejin You ; Boram Kim ; Aeri C. Kim ; Kyung... SCIENCE, Vol.334(6056) : 670-674, 2011
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2025TwinDemic detection: A non-enzymatic signal amplification system for on-site detection of multiple respiratory virusesSENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
2025White matter hyperintensities and cholinergic degeneration as Lewy body diseaseANNALS OF CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL NEUROLOGY(Ann Clin Transl Neurol)
2024Extensive Q-factor tuning for leaky modes with minimal frequency variation in asymmetric slab grating structures SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Association between respiratory tract deposited dose of size-segregated PM and FeNO based on individual exposure assessment for Korean childrenSCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
2024Efficient bifacial semi-transparent perovskite solar cells via a dimethylformamide-free solvent and bandgap engineering strategyNano Energy
2024Dual-band transparency over near-IR and THz in surfactant-free DNA solid film SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Inhalation exposure to nanosized aerosols of disinfectants for the application of continuous releasing sprayers and foggerINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH RESEARCH
2024Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure aggravates hypoxia/reoxygenation injury in cerebral endothelial cells by downregulating epithelial cadherin expressionTOXICOLOGY RESEARCH
2024Anti-aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase-interacting multifunctional protein-1 antibody improves airway inflammation in mice with house dust mite induced asthma WORLD ALLERGY ORGANIZATION JOURNAL
2024Neglected but Clinically Relevant Allergens in KoreaCURRENT ALLERGY AND ASTHMA REPORTS
2024Highly functional duodenal stent with photosensitizers enables photodynamic therapy for metabolic syndrome treatment: Feasibility and safety study in a porcine model APL BIOENGINEERING
2024Cholesterol profiling reveals 7β‐hydroxycholesterol as a pathologically relevant peripheral biomarker of Alzheimer's disease PSYCHIATRY AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES
2024PUM1-TRAF3 fusion protein activates non-canonical NF-κB signaling via rescued NIK in biliary tract cancer NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY
2024Protein-energy restriction-induced lipid metabolism disruption causes stable-to-progressive disease shift in Mycobacterium avium-infected female mice EBIOMEDICINE
2024Cortical thickness and childhood eating behaviors: differences according to sex and age, and relevance for eating disorders EATING AND WEIGHT DISORDERS-STUDIES ON ANOREXIA BULIMIA AND OBESITY
2024Protein-energy restriction-induced lipid metabolism disruption causes stable-to-progressive disease shift in Mycobacterium avium-infected female mice EBIOMEDICINE
2024Identification of doping suspicions through artificial intelligence-powered analysis on athlete’s performance passport in female weightlifting FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY
2024Effect of miR-412-5p-loaded exosomes in H9c2 cardiomyocytes via the MAPK pathwayIranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences
2024개인노출평가 기반 PM2.5 흡입량에 따른 노출환경별 노출양상과 호기산화질소와의 연관성 Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment(한국대기환경학회지)
2024Artificial intelligence-enhanced automation for M-mode echocardiographic analysis: ensuring fully automated, reliable, and reproducible measurementsINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING

