1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Effects of Dental Sound Insulation System on Stress and Dental Fear Reduction in Pediatric Patients Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2024Effect of orodispersible hyaluronic acid film on palatal mucosa wound healingORAL DISEASES
2024Effect of intra-alveolar delivery of Frondoside A on inflammatory response of delayed tooth replantationDENTAL TRAUMATOLOGY
2024Oral hygiene changes & compliance with telemonitoring device in individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities: a randomized controlled crossover trialCLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS
2024Awareness of Fluoride Toothpaste among Parents of Children and Adolescents Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2024Dental Treatment Patterns in Pediatric Patients with Rare Diseases: A Retrospective Analysis at Yonsei University Dental Hospital Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2024Natal factors influencing newborn’s oral microbiome diversity SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Comparison of the Short Time Effect of an Oral Hygiene Education in Four Sessions via Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence Technology Versus Disclosing Agents in Children: A Randomized, Crossover Clinical Trial CHILDREN-BASEL
2024Early dental visit affects dental treatment in Korean preschool children born preterm: a nationwide population-based study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Incidence of Dental Discoloration After Tetracycline Exposure in Korean Children: A Nationwide Population-Based Study Pediatric Infection & Vaccine
2024Comparison of three-dimensional printed resin crowns and preformed stainless steel crowns for primary molar restorations: a randomized controlled trial JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY
2024Influence of Post-Curing in Nitrogen-Saturated Condition on the Degree of Conversion and Color Stability of 3D-Printed Resin Crowns DENTISTRY JOURNAL
2024Assessment of Wear Resistance in Tooth-Colored Materials for Primary Molar Crown Restoration in Pediatric Dentistry Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2024Natal factors affecting developmental defects of enamel in preterm infants: a prospective cohort study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024The predictability of arch expansion with the Invisalign First system in children with mixed dentition: a retrospective study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY
2023Standard operating procedures for the collection, processing, and storage of oral biospecimens at the Korea Oral Biobank Network JOURNAL OF PERIODONTAL AND IMPLANT SCIENCE
2023Assessment of Risk Factors for Dental Developmental Disorders in Pediatric Cancer Survivors Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2023Comparative gene expression analysis of stemness between periodontal ligament and umbilical cord tissues in humans JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES
2023A randomized controlled clinical trial of premixed calcium silicate-based cements for pulpotomy in primary molarsJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2023A Study on the Hearing Protection Effect of Noise-Filtering Earplugs for Dentists Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)

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