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Showing results 274 to 293 of 511

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Regulation of the Inevitable Water-Responsivity of Silk Fibroin Biopolymer by Polar Amino Acid ActivationACS NANO
2010Relation between Structure and Mechanical Properties of Porous Scaffold Using Calcium Phosphate Glass-ceramics Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지)
2022Release of Bisphenol A from Pit and Fissure Sealants According to Different pH Conditions POLYMERS
2006Remineralization potential of new toothpaste containing nano-hydroxyapatiteKey Engineering Materials
2015Resin bonding of metal brackets to glazed zirconia with a porcelain primer KOREAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS
2020Resin-Based Sealant with Bioactive Glass and Zwitterionic Material for Remineralisation and Multi-Species Biofilm Inhibition NANOMATERIALS
2011Resolution of surgically created three-wall intrabony defects in implants using three different biomaterials: an in vivo studyCLINICAL ORAL IMPLANTS RESEARCH
2021Reverse Actuation of Polyelectrolyte Effect for In Vivo AntifoulingACS NANO
2005Role of alloying elements on the cytotoxic behavior and corrosion of austenitic stainless steelsMaterials Science Forum
2018Round robin study to evaluate the reconstructed human epidermis (RhE) model as an in vitro skin irritation test for detection of irritant activity in medical device extractsTOXICOLOGY IN VITRO
2021Scanning Accuracy of Bracket Features and Slot Base Angle in Different Bracket Materials by Four Intraoral Scanners: An In Vitro Study MATERIALS
2014Seeding cells on calcium phosphate scaffolds using hydrogel enhanced osteoblast proliferation and differentiationANNALS OF BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING
2016Selective Killing Effects of Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma with NO Induced Dysfunction of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma PLOS ONE
2010Silver ion-exchanged sodium titanate and resulting effect on antibacterial efficacySURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY
2016Simultaneous Bimaxillary Surgery and Mandibular Reconstruction With a 3-Dimensional Printed Titanium Implant Fabricated by Electron Beam Melting: A Preliminary Mechanical Testing of the Printed MandibleJOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2014Skin Sensitization Evaluation of Dental Calcium Hydroxide Medication with Local Lymph Node Assay Using Bromodeoxyuridine Immunohistochemistry in Balb/c MiceJournal of Alternatives to Animal Experiments (동물실험대체법학회지)
2015SLA 처리 티타늄 표면에서의 유전자발현에 대한 상온대기압 플라즈마의 효과 Korean Journal of Dental Materials (대한치과재료학회지)
2013SLA 처리된 임플란트 표면에서 상온대기압 공기 플라즈마가 세포활성에 미치는 영향 Journal of the Korean Research Society for Dental Materials (대한치과기재학회지)
1995Stability testing of a two miniplate fixation technique for mandibular angle fractures. An in vitro studyJOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2015Strain of bone-implant interface and insertion torque regarding different miniscrew thread designs using an artificial bone modelEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS

