Dept. of Conservative Dentistry (보존과학교실)

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Tooth discoloration of immature permanent incisor associated with triple...

Jong-Hyun Kim ; Yuran Kim ; Su-Jung Shin ; Jeong-Won Park ; Il-Young Jung JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS, Vol.36(6) : 1086-1091, 2010

Biologically based treatment of immature permanent teeth with pulpal nec...

Il-Young Jung ; Seung-Jong Lee ; Kenneth M. Hargreaves JOURNAL OF ENDODONTICS, Vol.34(7) : 876-887, 2008

Precision and trueness of dental models manufactured with different 3-di...

Soo-Yeon Kim ; Yoo-Seok Shin ; Hwi-Dong Jung ; Chung-Ju Hwang ; Hyoung-Seon B... AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS, Vol.153(1) : 144-153, 2018
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2025Effects of icariin on dental pulp stem cells and its potential applications in dentin repairARCHIVES OF ORAL BIOLOGY
2024Hydrated Calcium Silicate in Resin Composites for Prevention of Secondary Caries INTERNATIONAL DENTAL JOURNAL
2024Anti-cariogenic effect of experimental resin cement containing ursolic acid using dental microcosm biofilmJOURNAL OF DENTISTRY
2024APEC News 2024 November: 23rd and 24th Scientific Congresses in Bangladesh and KoreaAUSTRALIAN ENDODONTIC JOURNAL
2024Implementing microfluidic flow device model in utilizing dural substitutes as pulp capping materials for vital pulp therapyBIOFABRICATION
2024Evaluation of residual dentin thickness using quantitative light-induced fluorescence technologyODONTOLOGY
2024Pharmacologic management of trigeminal nerve injury after endodontic treatment: A retrospective analysisJOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION
2024Mineral trioxide aggregate in membrane form as a barrier membrane in guided bone regeneration JOURNAL OF DENTAL SCIENCES
2024Effects of daily versus weekly teriparatide for medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: A case-control studyORAL DISEASES
2024Effect of loupe and microscope on dentists' neck and shoulder muscle workload during crown preparation SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Effect of shade and thickness on the microhardness of resin-based composite specimens at different points considering curing light beam's inhomogeneity BMC ORAL HEALTH
2024Augmentation genioplasty using discarded bone fragments following proximal segment osteotomy of the ramus in intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy (IVRO) Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
2024Three-axis load analysis of high-speed handpiece on dental training teeth and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing blocksJOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS
2024Influence of Post-Curing in Nitrogen-Saturated Condition on the Degree of Conversion and Color Stability of 3D-Printed Resin Crowns DENTISTRY JOURNAL
2024Low concentration zinc oxide nanoparticles enrichment enhances bacterial and pro-inflammatory resistance of calcium silicate-based cementsJOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS
2024Assessment of Wear Resistance in Tooth-Colored Materials for Primary Molar Crown Restoration in Pediatric Dentistry Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
2024Randomized clinical trial of pulpotomy using a premixed injectable calcium silicate cement on mature permanent teeth with reversible pulpitis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2024Targeting class A GPCRs for hard tissue regenerationBIOMATERIALS
2024Three-dimensional evaluation of dentopalatal changes after rapid maxillary expansion in growing childrenAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ORTHODONTICS AND DENTOFACIAL ORTHOPEDICS
2023Effect of icariin surface treatment on the resorption of denuded roots after replantation in ratINTERNATIONAL ENDODONTIC JOURNAL

