1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2015Heparin bridging in warfarin anticoagulation therapy initiation could increase bleeding in non-valvular atrial fibrillation patients: a multicenter propensity-matched analysisJOURNAL OF THROMBOSIS AND HAEMOSTASIS
2015Transgenic mouse model expressing P53(R172H), luciferase, EGFP, and KRAS(G12D) in a single open reading frame for live imaging of tumor SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2015MUC1 selectively targets human pancreatic cancer in orthotopic nude mouse models PLOS ONE
2015Added value of arterial enhancement fraction color maps for the characterization of small hepatic low-attenuating lesions in patients with colorectal cancer PLOS ONE
2015T 2 - and T*2-weighted MRI of rat glioma using polysorbate-coated magnetic nanocrystals as a blood-pool contrast agentRSC ADVANCES
2015Red blood cell distribution width as a useful indicator to predict systemic vasculitis in patients with cutaneous vasculitisRHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2015Delta neutrophil index as a promising prognostic marker in out of hospital cardiac arrest PLOS ONE
2015Obesity increases airway hyperresponsiveness via the TNF-α pathway and treating obesity induces recovery PLOS ONE
2015Disrupted cell cycle arrest and reduced proliferation in corneal fibroblasts from GCD2 patients: a potential role for altered autophagy fluxBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2015Relative effectiveness of dominant versus non-dominant hand position for rescuer's side of approach during chest compressions between right-handed and left-handed novice rescuersEMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL
2015Comparison of diagnostic performance between single- and multiphasic contrast-enhanced abdominopelvic computed tomography in patients admitted to the emergency department with abdominal pain: potential radiation dose reductionEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2015Positive reactions to nickel on a patch test do not predict clinical outcome of nickel alloy-based atrial septal defect occluder implantationDERMATOLOGY
2015Evaluation of antigen-specific immunoglobulin g responses in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and contacts JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MICROBIOLOGY
2015Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for the evaluation of liver fibrosis after biliary obstruction WORLD JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY
2015Factors associated with ischemic stroke on therapeutic anticoagulation in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015Radiation dose and image quality in pediatric chest CT: effects of iterative reconstruction in normal weight and overweight childrenPEDIATRIC RADIOLOGY
2015Risk of diabetes in patients treated with HMG-CoA reductase inhibitorsMETABOLISM-CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL
2015A novel mathematical model to predict the severity of postoperative functional reduction before partial nephrectomy: the importance of calculating resected and ischemic volumeJOURNAL OF UROLOGY
2015Decreased circulating klotho levels in patients undergoing dialysis and relationship to oxidative stress and inflammationPERITONEAL DIALYSIS INTERNATIONAL
2015Activities of daily living in nursing home and home care settings: a retrospective 1-year cohort studyJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION

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