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Showing results 1 to 20 of 1976

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Using computed tomogram atrial myocardial thickness maps in cryoballoon pulmonary vein isolation: The UTMOST AF II Randomized Clinical Trial EUROPACE
2024Gallstone Dissolution Effects of Combination Therapy with n-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids and Ursodeoxycholic Acid: A Randomized, Prospective, Preliminary Clinical Trial GUT AND LIVER
2024On-Device Deep Learning to Detect Carotid Stenosis With Smartphones: Development and ValidationSTROKE
2024Incidence rate of recurrent cardiovascular events in patients with radiographic axial spondyloarthritis and the effect of tumor necrosis factor inhibitors ARTHRITIS RESEARCH & THERAPY
2024Varlitinib and Paclitaxel for EGFR/HER2 Co-expressing Advanced Gastric Cancer: A Multicenter Phase Ib/II Study (K-MASTER-13) CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2024Association between carbohydrate to protein or fat ratio and mortality: A prospective cohort studyCLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN
2024Trajectories of triglyceride-glucose index changes and their association with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality: a competing risk analysis CARDIOVASCULAR DIABETOLOGY
2024Synergistic prognostic impact of hemoglobin and skeletal muscle index in patients with colorectal cancerCLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN
2024Safety and impact of the Mediterranean diet in patients with chronic kidney disease: a pilot randomized crossover trial FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION
2024Artificial intelligence estimated electrocardiographic age as a recurrence predictor after atrial fibrillation catheter ablation NPJ DIGITAL MEDICINE(Nature partner journals digital medicine Digital medicine)
2024Association between dairy-rich dietary pattern and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease: Findings from the Korean Genome and Epidemiology StudyDIGESTIVE AND LIVER DISEASE
2024Androgen Deprivation Therapy and the Risk of Newly Developed Dry Eye Syndrome in Patients with Prostate Cancer: A Nationwide Nested Case-Control Study in the Republic of Korea JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2024Thrombi With a Higher Erythrocyte Composition Are More Fragile in Acute Stroke JOURNAL OF STROKE
2024Improvement in Image Quality of Low-Dose CT of Canines with Generative Adversarial Network of Anti-Aliasing Generator and Multi-Scale Discriminator Bioengineering
2024Prognostic significance of serum creatinine and sarcopenia for 5-year overall survival in patients with colorectal cancer in Korea: a comparative study Annals of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism
2024Predictors associated with the rate of progression of nigrostriatal degeneration in Parkinson's diseaseJOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2024Atrial Fibrillation Identification Using CNNs Based on Genomic DataJOURNAL OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY(전기학회논문지)
2024Aggregate and transfer knowledge of functional connectivity of brain for detecting autism spectrum disorder for multi-site researchBIOMEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING AND CONTROL
2024Varying clinical relevance of sarcopenia and myosteatosis according to age among patients with postoperative colorectal cancer JOURNAL OF NUTRITION HEALTH & AGING
2024Influence of psychological factors and pain sensitivity on the efficacy of opioid-free anesthesia: A randomized clinical trialGENERAL HOSPITAL PSYCHIATRY

