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Showing results 461 to 480 of 1373

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2004Enhancement of tumor response by farnesyltransferase inhibitor in C3H/HeJ hepatocarcinomaANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES
2023Ensemble learning and personalized training for the improvement of unsupervised deep learning-based synthetic CT reconstructionMEDICAL PHYSICS
2017Establishment of a Disease-Specific Graded Prognostic Assessment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients with Spinal Metastasis GUT AND LIVER
2022Evaluating Mobius3D Dose Calculation Accuracy for Small-Field Flattening- Filter-Free Photon Beams TECHNOLOGY IN CANCER RESEARCH & TREATMENT
2023Evaluating motion of pancreatic tumors and anatomical surrogates using cine MRI in 0.35T MRgRT under free breathing conditions JOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS
2015Evaluating Variations of Bladder Volume Using an Ultrasound Scanner in Rectal Cancer Patients during Chemoradiation: Is Protocol-Based Full Bladder Maintenance Using a Bladder Scanner Useful to Maintain the Bladder Volume? PLOS ONE
2021Evaluation of Computer-Aided Nodule Assessment and Risk Yield (CANARY) in Korean patients for prediction of invasiveness of ground-glass opacity nodule PLOS ONE
2021Evaluation of deep learning-based autosegmentation in breast cancer radiotherapy RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2024Evaluation of Motion Artifact Correction Technique for Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Image Considering Blood Vessel Geometry JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2019Evaluation of optimal treatment planning for radiotherapy of synchronous bilateral breast cancer including regional lymph node irradiation RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2018Evaluation of predictive factors of vertebral compression fracture after conventional palliative radiotherapy for spinal metastasis from colorectal cancerJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2023Evaluation of race/ethnicity-specific survival machine learning models for Hispanic and Black patients with breast cancer BMJ HEALTH & CARE INFORMATICS
2021Evaluation of super-resolution on 50 pancreatic cancer patients with real-time cine MRI from 0.35T MRgRTBiomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
2024Evaluation of the deliverability of dynamic conformal arc therapy (DCAT) by gantry wobble and its influence on dose SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019Evaluation of the Dosimetric Accuracy of Brain Stereotactic Radiotherapy by Using a Hybrid Quality Assurance (QA) ToolkitJOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY
2021Evaluation of the dosimetric effect of scattered protons in clinical practice in passive scattering proton therapyJOURNAL OF APPLIED CLINICAL MEDICAL PHYSICS
2007Evaluation of the prognostic value of Okuda, Cancer of the Liver Italian Program, and Japan Integrated Staging systems for hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing radiotherapyINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS
2015Evaluation of variability in target volume delineation for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a multi-institutional study from the Korean Radiation Oncology Group RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2016Evolving Clinical Cancer Radiotherapy: Concerns Regarding Normal Tissue Protection and Quality Assurance JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2024Experience of Implementing Deep Learning-Based Automatic Contouring in Breast Radiation Therapy Planning: Insights From Over 2000 CasesINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS

