2. Thesis

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022Integrated analysis of whole-exome sequencing for molecular genetic diagnosis of 46,XY disorders of sex development Thesis
2021Diagnostic efficacy of muscle biopsy in pediatric patients with genetically confirmed mitochondrial diseases Thesis
2019Clinical application of next-generation sequencing for the diagnosis of suspected renal disease Thesis
2018Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) in children : 14 years' experience in a single center in Korea, retrospective and comprehensive study Thesis
2018Dyspnea perception during induced bronchoconstriction Is complicated by the inhaled Methacholine in children with clinical asthma Thesis
2017Gastroesophageal reflux in neurologically impaired children : what are the risk factors? Thesis
2015소아 천식 환아에서 호기 온도 측정의 임상적 의의 Thesis
2016Favorable outcome of alternate intra-arterial and systemic chemotherapy for retinoblastoma Thesis
2015Sputum pentraxin 3 concentration as a marker of airway inflammation and remodeling in childhood asthma Thesis
2015Mild malformation of cortical development : clinical feature and surgical outcome related to histopathology Thesis
2014Long term outcome of Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Thesis
2013Delta neutrophil index as a prognostic marker in the pediatric intensive care unit Thesis
1986일회 소변을 사용한 뇨단백량의 정량측정 방법에 관한 연구Thesis
1981소아천식의 계절별 발생에 관한 연구Thesis
1983각종 신질환 환아에서의 혈장 Renin 활성도에 관한 연구Thesis
2014소아 천식 환자에서 전신 염증 유형에 따른 천식의 특성 Thesis
201210kg 이하의 소아에서 경피적 심도자술을 통한 동맥관 개존의 중재적 폐쇄술의 안전성 및 유용성 검증 Thesis
2012케톤 생성 식이요법에 의한 장기적 골밀도 변화 Thesis
2012터너증후군 환자에서 심장 자기공명영상 결과 분석을 통한 대동맥확장 및 팽창성과 관련된 위험인자 규명 Thesis
2011Clinical characteristics of eosinophilic asthma compared to noneosinophilic asthma in childrenThesis

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