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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2016Off-ladder alleles due to a single nucleotide polymorphism in the flanking region at DYS481 detected by the PowerPlex® Y23 SystemFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2019Platform-independent models for age prediction using DNA methylation dataFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2014Population data for 30 insertion-deletion markers in a Korean populationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2007Population data of nine miniSTR loci in KoreansFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL
2010Population genetic study of four closely-linked X-STR trios in KoreansMOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS
2012Potential forensic application of DNA methylation profiling to body fluid identification.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2004Quantitative and qualitative profiling of mitochondrial DNA length heteroplasmyELECTROPHORESIS
2011Rapid direct PCR for ABO blood typing.JOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES
2011Rapid growth of choroidal melanoma during pregnancyACTA OPHTHALMOLOGICA
2020Secondary Publication] Standard Operating Procedure for Post-mortem Inspection in a Focus on Coronavirus Disease-19: the Korean Society for Legal Medicine JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2005Selection of twenty-four highly informative SNP markers for human identification and paternity analysis in KoreansFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL
2022Sequence Variations of 31 Υ-Chromosomal Short Tandem Repeats Analyzed by Massively Parallel Sequencing in Three U.S. Population Groups and Korean Population JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2017Sequence-based diversity of 23 autosomal STR loci in Koreans investigated using an in-house massively parallel sequencing panelFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2021Serum glucose excretion after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: a potential target for diabetes treatmentGUT
1999Sex Determination Used Sex Determining Region Y Gene on the Y-chromosome of Human Teeth Korean Journal of Legal Medicine (대한법의학회지)
2006Sex Determination Using Nonmetric Characteristics of the Mandible in KoreansJOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES
2010Simple and highly effective DNA extraction methods from old skeletal remains using silica columnsFORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-GENETICS
2010The chronology of second and third molar development in Koreans and its application to forensic age estimationINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LEGAL MEDICINE
2004The diversity of dental patterns in the orthopantomography and its significance in human identificationJOURNAL OF FORENSIC SCIENCES
2009The survival of donor-derived cells in a successfully grafted corneal button 10 years after penetrating keratoplasty for lattice dystrophyOPHTHALMOLOGICA

