2014 | 물결 형태 임플란트의 변연골 변화에 관한 후향적 연구
| Implantology |
2014 | A Novel Coping Design to Decrease Maximum Principal Stress in Zirconia Ceramic Restorations | JOURNAL OF PROSTHODONTICS-IMPLANT ESTHETIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE DENTISTRY |
2012 | 일체형 임플란트
| Implantology |
2012 | Influence of internal-gap width and cement type on the retentive force of zirconia copings in pullout testing | JOURNAL OF DENTISTRY |
2012 | Bone regeneration with rabbit bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and bone graft materials
2012 | Effects of laser irradiation on machined and anodized titanium disks | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2011 | Accuracy of implant impressions without impression copings: a three-dimensional analysis | JOURNAL OF PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY |
2011 | Influence of cement thickness on resin-zirconia microtensile bond strength
2010 | 상아질의 봉쇄 시기와 표면처리 방법이 미세인장 결합강도에 미치는 영향
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2010 | Influence of transmucosal designs of three one-piece implant systems on early tissue responses: a histometric study in beagle dogs. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2009 | The level of buccal gingival margin around single and two adjacent implant restorations: a preliminary result
2009 | 임프란트와 인접 자연치 사이의 근심 접촉 소실에 관한 임상연구
| Implantology |
2009 | Short implant의 식립 후 1년간의 골흡수 비교연구
| Implantology |
2009 | The change of rotational freedom following different insertion torques in three implant systems with implant driver.
2008 | Impact of immediate and non-immediate provisionalization on the soft tissue esthetics of final restorations on immediately placed implants
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2008 | Effects of implant geometry and surface treatment on osseointegration after functional loading: a dog study | JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION |
2008 | 즉시 상아질 봉쇄와 지연 상아질 봉쇄에 따른 상아질 접착의 미세인장 결합강도 비교
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2008 | 두종의external hex implant의 변연골 흡수에 관한 연구 : 예비연구 (preliminary study)
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2007 | 레진과 치과용 도재의 접착
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
2006 | Radiographic evaluation of marginal bone level around implants with different neck designs after 1 year | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2006 | Displacement of implant components from impressions to definitive casts | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2005 | 태이퍼드 형 임프란트 식립 시 골질에 따른 수술 기법(워랜텍 임프란트 시스템) | Dental Success (치과임상) |
2005 | Stress distributions in maxillary bone surrounding overdenture implants with different overdenture attachments | JOURNAL OF ORAL REHABILITATION |
2005 | 다양한 마이크로쓰레드(micro thread)의 개수를 가지는 임플란트의 상부구조물 형상과 하중조건에 따른 3차원 유한요소해석을 이용한 하악골의 응력분포에 관한 연구
| Journal of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering (한국정밀공학회지) |
2005 | The Effects of Ion Beam–Assisted Deposition of Hydroxyapatite on the Grit-blasted Surface of Endosseous Implants in Rabbit Tibiae | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2004 | Development and evaluation of digital subtraction radiography computer program | ORAL SURGERY ORAL MEDICINE ORAL PATHOLOGY ORAL RADIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS |
1998 | 하악 완전 무치악 환자에서 임프란트를 이용한 Overdenture의 임상적 증례 | Dental Success (치과임상) |
1998 | 타이태늄 합금의 생체적합도에 관한 연구
| Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology (대한치주과학회지) |
1997 | 임플란트 시술시 wide fixture의 임상적 적용
| Journal of the Korean Dental Association(대한치과의사협회지) |
1997 | 골유착성 임플랜트 고정체의 설계변화에 따른 응력분포에 관한 삼차원 유한요소 분석적 연구
| Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics (대한치과보철학회지) |
1996 | A 1-year radiographic evaluation of marginal bone around dental implant | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
1995 | A Quantitative Comparison of Machined Commercially Pure Titanium and Titanium-Aluminum-Vanadium Implants in Rabbit Bone | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
1995 | 생체적합도와 임프란트 2 | Dental Success(치과임상) |
1995 | 생체적합도와 임프란트 | Dental Success(치과임상) |
1994 | A Study on Shear-Bond Strength of the Interface Between Bone and Titanium Plasma-Sprayed IMZ Implants in Rabbits | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |