Browsing by Yonsei Author : Lee, Chang Young

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Lee, Chang Young [이창영]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (흉부외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (17134174100)

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Researcher Network

Showing results 1 to 50 of 120

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Commentary: Comparative Study of Indocyanine Green Intravenous Injection and the Inflation-Deflation Method for Assessing Resection Margins in Segmentectomy for Lung Cancer: A Single-Center Retrospective Study Journal of Chest Surgery
2024Feasibility of UTE-MRI-based radiomics model for prediction of histopathologic subtype of lung adenocarcinoma: in comparison with CT-based radiomics modelEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2024Computed Tomography Radiomics for Preoperative Prediction of Spread Through Air Spaces in the Early Stage of Surgically Resected Lung Adenocarcinomas YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Stereotypic T cell receptor clonotypes in the thymus and peripheral blood of Myasthenia gravis patients HELIYON
2024Germinal centers are associated with postthymectomy myasthenia gravis in patients with thymomaEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NEUROLOGY
2023Effect of permissive hypercarbia on lung oxygenation during one-lung ventilation and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing thoracic surgery: A prospective randomised controlled trialEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ANAESTHESIOLOGY
2023Patterns of Postoperative Changes in Lung Volume and Perfusion Assessed by Dual-Energy CT: Comparison of Lobectomy and Limited ResectionAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY
2023Clinical Benefits of Lobe-Specific Lymph Node Dissection in Surgery for NSCLC: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis JTO Clinical and Research Reports
2023Clinical Outcomes of Thymic Carcinoma: The Role of Radiotherapy Combined with Multimodal Treatments CANCERS
2023The Role of Adjuvant Therapy Following Surgical Resection of Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Multi-Center Study CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2023Proposal of a revised International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer grading system in pulmonary non-mucinous adenocarcinoma: The importance of the lepidic proportionLUNG CANCER
2022Prognosis of resected invasive mucinous adenocarcinoma compared with the IASLC histologic grading system for invasive nonmucinous adenocarcinoma: Surgical database study in the TKIs era in Korea THORACIC CANCER
2022Expert consensus on indocyanine green fluorescence imaging for thoracoscopic lung resection (The Version 2022) TRANSLATIONAL LUNG CANCER RESEARCH
2022Postoperative bronchopleural fistula repair: Surgical outcomes and adverse factors for its success THORACIC CANCER
2022An Overview of Surgical Treatment of Thymic Epithelial Tumors in Korea: A Retrospective Multicenter Analysis Journal of Chest Surgery
2022Risk factors for pulmonary complications after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by surgery for non-small cell lung cancer THORACIC CANCER
2022The importance of enhancer methylation for epigenetic regulation of tumorigenesis in squamous lung cancer EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE
2021Effects of mediastinal lymph node dissection in colorectal cancer-related pulmonary metastasectomy THORACIC CANCER
2021Positive nodal status is still a risk factor for long-term survivors of non-small cell lung cancer 5 years after complete resection JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2021Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery Segmentectomy Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
2021Genetic Analysis and Operative Outcomes in Patients with Oncogene-Driven Advanced NSCLC Treated with Cytoreductive Surgery as a Component of Local Consolidative Therapy CANCERS
2020Surgical approach for the treatment of thymic carcinoma: 201 cases from a multi-institutional study PRECISION AND FUTURE MEDICINE
2020The role of postoperative radiotherapy in stage II and III thymoma: a Korean multicenter database study JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2020Predictors of post-thymectomy long-term neurological remission in thymomatous myasthenia gravis: an analysis from a multi-institutional databaseEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIO-THORACIC SURGERY
2020Stepwise flowchart for decision making on sublobar resection through the estimation of spread through air space in early stage lung cancerLUNG CANCER
2020Factors Affecting the Number of Stapler Cartridges in Complete Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Lobectomy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
2020Effects of Multidrug-resistant Bacteria in Donor Lower Respiratory Tract on Early Posttransplant Pneumonia in Lung Transplant Recipients Without Pretransplant InfectionTRANSPLANTATION
2020Photoacoustic Imaging to Localize Indeterminate Pulmonary Nodules: A Preclinical Study PLOS ONE
2019Clinical implications of uncertain resection in scenarios of metastasis of the highest or most distant mediastinal lymph node station following surgical treatment of non-small-cell lung cancerLUNG CANCER
2019Dynamic changes in PD-L1 expression and CD8+ T cell infiltration in non-small cell lung cancer following chemoradiation therapyLUNG CANCER
2019Hyperprogressive disease during PD-1/PD-L1 blockade in patients with non-small-cell lung cancerAnnals of Oncology
2019Comprehensive analysis of the characteristics and treatment outcomes of patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with anti-PD-1 therapy in real-world practice JOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2019Indoor radon exposure increases tumor mutation burden in never-smoker patients with lung adenocarcinomaLUNG CANCER
2019Molecular Diagnostic Assays and Clinicopathologic Implications of MET Exon 14 Skipping Mutation in Non-small-cell Lung CancerCLINICAL LUNG CANCER
2019Feasibility and surgical outcomes of video-assisted thoracoscopic pulmonary resection in patients with advanced-stage lung cancer after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy THORACIC CANCER
2019Neoadjuvant therapy for thymic neoplasms reduces tumor volume per 3D-reconstructed images but does not improve the complete resection rate PLOS ONE
2018Prognostic significance of supradiaphragmatic lymph node metastasis detected by 18F-FDG PET/CT in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer BMC CANCER
2018Novel Thoracoscopic Navigation System With Augmented Real-Time Image Guidance for Chest Wall Tumors.ANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY
2018A prospective randomized trial of continuous paravertebral infusion versus intravenous patient-controlled analgesia after thoracoscopic lobectomy for lung cancer JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2018Prognostic factors for resected non-small cell lung cancer in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitusJOURNAL OF SURGICAL ONCOLOGY
2018Near-Infrared Lymphatic Mapping of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Nodes in T1 Esophageal CancerANNALS OF THORACIC SURGERY
2018Validation of the T descriptor in the new 8th TNM classification for non-small cell lung cancer JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2017Outcomes of perioperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use in patients undergoing lung transplantation JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2017Concordance of programmed death-ligand 1 expression between primary and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer by immunohistochemistry and RNA in situ hybridization ONCOTARGET
2017Feasibility of four-arm robotic lobectomy as solo surgery in patients with clinical stage I lung cancer JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2017Extent of Mediastinal Lymphadenectomy and Survival in Superficial Esophageal Squamous Cell CarcinomaJOURNAL OF GASTROINTESTINAL SURGERY
2017The frequency and clinical impact of HER2 alterations in lung adenocarcinoma PLOS ONE
2017Detection of activating and acquired resistant mutation in plasma from EGFR-mutated NSCLC patients by peptide nucleic acid (PNA) clamping-assisted fluorescence melting curve analysis ONCOTARGET
2017Volume-based quantification using dual-energy computed tomography in the differentiation of thymic epithelial tumours: an initial experienceEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2016Combined Bilateral Lung Transplantation and Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Korean Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

