2009 | Validation of Radiation Volume by Analysis of Recurrence Pattern in Breast-conserving Treatment for Early Breast Cancer
2009 | Radiotherapeutic parameters predictive of liver complications induced by liver tumor radiotherapy | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS |
2009 | A multicenter retrospective cohort study of practice patterns and clinical outcome on radiotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma in Korea | LIVER INTERNATIONAL |
2007 | 1998, 1999년도 우리나라에서 시행된 근치적 유방 전절제술 후 방사선치료 현황 조사
| Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology |
2007 | Evaluation of the prognostic value of Okuda, Cancer of the Liver Italian Program, and Japan Integrated Staging systems for hepatocellular carcinoma patients undergoing radiotherapy | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS |
2007 | Clinical significance of cyclooxygenase-2 expression in extranodal natural killer (NK)/T-cell lymphoma, nasal type | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS |
2007 | Radiation-induced hepatic toxicity after radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy for hepatocellular carcinoma | HEPATOLOGY RESEARCH |
2006 | 3차원입체조형방사선치료 계획 시 간종괴의 위치에 따른 최적 조사 방향의 결정
| Journal of Radiation Protection and Research (방사선방어학회지) |
2006 | The role of postoperative external-beam radiotherapy in the management of patients with papillary thyroid cancer invading the trachea | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS |
2005 | 처방선량 및 치료기법별 치료성적 분석 결과에 기반한 자궁경부암 환자의 최적 방사선치료 스케쥴
| Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology |
2005 | Local radiotherapy as a complement to incomplete transcatheter arterial chemoembolization in locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma | LIVER INTERNATIONAL |
2005 | 간세포암종에서 세기 조절 방사선치료를 시행한 1예
| Journal of the Korean Liver Cancer Study Group (대한간암연구학회지) |
2004 | 수모세포종의 방사선치료 후 전두엽하방 재발된 환자에서 원인 분석 및 구제 치료
| Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology |
2004 | 3차원 입체조형치료에 의한 아교모세포종의 방사선 선량증가 연구
| Journal of the Korean Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology |
2004 | Angiocentric T-cell and NK/T-cell lymphomas: radiotherapeutic viewpoints | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RADIATION ONCOLOGY BIOLOGY PHYSICS |
2003 | Primary NK/T Cell Lymphoma of the Testis: A case report and review of the literature | ACTA HAEMATOLOGICA |