Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kim, Gwang Suk

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Kim, Gwang Suk [김광숙]
Department :
College of Nursing (간호대학) - Dept. of Nursing (간호학과)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (7403064625)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 122

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024The Barriers and Facilitators Influencing Nurses’ Political Participation or Healthcare Policy Intervention: A Systematic Review and Qualitative Meta-Synthesis JOURNAL OF NURSING MANAGEMENT
2024Factors associated with health-related quality of life among people living with HIV in South Korea: Tobit regression analysis PLOS ONE
2024Three cycles of mobile app design to improve HIV self-management: A development and evaluation study DIGITAL HEALTH
2023Self-Management Behaviors for Chronic Low Back Pain in Patients with Spinal Disease: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis Korean Journal of Adult Nursing(성인간호학회지)
2023The effectiveness of a transitional care program for frail older adults between hospital and home: A randomized controlled trialGERIATRIC NURSING
2023Development of an Internet of things-based treatment adherence program among older adults with mild cognitive impairment using Intervention Mapping: A developmental study Journal of Korean Gerontological Nursing(노인간호학회지)
2023Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis between Physical Frailty, Cognitive Function, and Falls by SexJOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION
2023Understanding the Home Environment as a Factor in Mitigating Fall Risk among Community-Dwelling Frail Older People: A Systematic Review Health and Social Care in the Community
2023Use of the Tilburg frailty indicator in longitudinal studies with older adults: A scoping reviewJOURNAL OF ADVANCED NURSING
2023한국어판 HIV 감염인의 건강관리 자기효능감 도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING(대한간호학회지)
2023The association between depression and non-compliance with COVID-19 preventive behaviors in South Korean older adults stratified by sexINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY
2023Factors Associated With Airline Cabin Crews' Influenza Vaccination Intention in the Workplace-based SettingWORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY
2023Two-year longitudinal associations between nutritional status and frailty in community-dwelling older adults: Korean Frailty and Aging Cohort Study BMC GERIATRICS
2023암환자 보호자의 호스피스 완화의료에 대한 요구도, 지식 및 돌봄 부담감 ASIAN ONCOLOGY NURSING
2023간호대학원생의 기후-건강 관련 인지행동과 영향요인: 이차 자료분석 Korean Journal of Adult Nursing(성인간호학회지)
2023Psychometric properties of the Korean adaptation of the communities advancing resilience toolkit (CART) assessment survey NURSING OPEN
2022Patterns and predictors of fall injury transitions among Korean older adult fallers: a 2-year longitudinal study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Factors associated with retention intention of Registered Nurses in Korean nursing homes INTERNATIONAL NURSING REVIEW
2022Developing an app-based self-management program for people living with HIV: a randomized controlled pilot study during the COVID-19 pandemic SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Barriers and facilitators on the HIV care continuum among adults living with HIV in high-income countries: a scoping review protocol SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS
2022Patterns of change and factors associated with IADL function decline in community-dwelling older adults with arthritis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Development of examination objectives based on nursing competency for the Korean Nursing Licensing Examination: a validity study Journal of Educational Evaluation for Health Professions(보건의료교육평가)
2022Comparing the effectiveness of three pain relief methods for inserting a needle into the implanted venous access chemoport: A randomized controlled trialINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING PRACTICE
2022Association between post-traumatic stress symptoms and functional health among internally displaced people in MyanmarJOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRIC AND MENTAL HEALTH NURSING
2022Effects of the Discharge Education Program on Family Caregivers Caring for Patients on Mechanical Home Ventilation in Korea: A Pilot TestHOME HEALTH CARE MANAGEMENT AND PRACTICE
2022한국어판 기후 건강관련 간호사 인지행동 측정도구의 타당도와 신뢰도 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2022콜 센터 상담원의 웰니스에 영향을 미치는 요인 Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing
2022Health-related quality of life among older adults who experienced the Pohang earthquake in South Korea: A cross-sectional survey HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES
2022Using decision tree analysis to understand the influence of social networks on disclosure of HIV infection statusAIDS CARE-PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO-MEDICAL ASPECTS OF AIDS/HIV
2021Factors influencing the perceived health status of older adults living alone based on the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016-2018)ARCHIVES OF GERONTOLOGY AND GERIATRICS
2021지진 피해 주민의 건강 관련 삶의 질 관련 요인에 대한 체계적 문헌고찰 Global Health & Nursing(글로벌 건강과 간호)
2021Incidence and risk factors of urinary tract infections in hospitalised patients with spinal cord injuryJOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING
2021Symptom experience as a predictor of cardiac rehabilitation education programme attendance after percutaneous coronary intervention: A prospective questionnaire surveyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING
2021지역 특성과 친구의 흡연이 청소년의 습관적 흡연 시작에 미치는 영향 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2021Nurses in advanced roles as a strategy for equitable access to healthcare in the WHO Western Pacific region: a mixed methods study HUMAN RESOURCES FOR HEALTH
2020Effects of registered nurse staffing on quality of care and resident outcomes in nursing homesGERIATRIC NURSING
2020Factors Influencing Young Korean Men's Knowledge and Stigmatizing Attitudes about HIV Infection INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020사단 의무대의 재이용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인Journal of Military Nursing Research (군진간호연구)
2020Parental Factors Associated with Obesity in Korean Adolescents INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2020Testing a Question Prompt Intervention to Improve Communication between Patients with HIV and Healthcare Providers: A Pilot StudyJOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING
2020여군의 산전관리 적정성 및 출산결과Journal of Military Nursing Research (군진간호연구)
2020Health-related quality of life among migrant workers: The impact of health-promoting behaviorsNURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES
2020노인의 미세먼지 관련 건강행위와 영향요인 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2020Development and Assessment of a Social Network Service-Based Lifestyle-Modification Program for Workers at High Risk of Developing Cardiovascular DiseaseWORKPLACE HEALTH & SAFETY
2020간호사의 정치적 역량 개념 개발 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (대한간호학회지)
2020An Empowerment Program for Family Caregivers of Older Adults with DementiaPUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
2019Interprofessional global health competencies of South Korean health professional students: educational needs and strategies BMC MEDICAL EDUCATION
2019Development and validation of a tool to assess the rural neighborhood environment for obesity in Korean adultsPUBLIC HEALTH NURSING
2019Development of a Question Prompt List for Patients Living With HIV and Assessment of Their Information NeedsJANAC-JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION OF NURSES IN AIDS CARE
2019Fatigue and poor sleep are associated with driving risk among Korean occupational driversJournal of Transport & Health

