Browsing by Yonsei Author : Kang, Seok Gu

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Kang, Seok Gu [강석구]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Neurosurgery (신경외과학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (56566963000)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 157

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2025Disruption of bioenergetics enhances the radio-sensitivity of patient-derived glioblastoma tumorspheres TRANSLATIONAL ONCOLOGY
2024Deep learning-driven macroscopic AI segmentation model for brain tumor detection via digital pathology: Foundations for terahertz imaging-based AI diagnostics HELIYON
2024Synergistic combination of perphenazine and temozolomide suppresses patient-derived glioblastoma tumorspheresNEURO-ONCOLOGY
2024Nomogram for radiation-induced lymphopenia in patients receiving intensity-modulated radiotherapy based-chemoradiation therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma: A multi-institutional study CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY
2024Visualizing cancer-originating acetate uptake through monocarboxylate transporter 1 in reactive astrocytes in the glioblastoma tumor microenvironmentNEURO-ONCOLOGY
2024Comparison of Glioblastoma Cell Culture Platforms Based on Transcriptional Similarity with Paired Tissue PHARMACEUTICALS
2024Exploring the impedance-matching effect in terahertz reflection imaging of skin tissue BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
2024Rethinking extent of resection of contrast-enhancing and non-enhaning tumor: different survival impacts on adult-type diffuse gliomas in 2021 World Health Organization classificationEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
202411C-Acetate PET/CT for Reactive Astrogliosis Outperforms 11C-Methionine PET/CT in Glioma Classification and Survival PredictionCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2024High Radiation Dose to the Fornix Causes Symptomatic Radiation Necrosis in Patients with Anaplastic Oligodendroglioma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2023Impact of boost sequence in concurrent chemo-radiotherapy on newly diagnosed IDH-wildtype glioblastoma multiformeJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2023Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI radiomics model predicts epidermal growth factor receptor amplification in glioblastoma, IDH-wildtypeJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2023Novel Postoperative Serum Biomarkers in Atypical Meningiomas: A Multicenter StudyNEUROSURGERY
2023Classification of IDH wild-type glioblastoma tumorspheres into low- and high-invasion groups based on their transcriptional programBRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER
2023C5 alpha secreted by tumor mesenchymal stem-like cells mediates resistance to 5-aminolevulinic acid-based photodynamic therapy against glioblastoma tumorspheresJOURNAL OF CANCER RESEARCH AND CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2023Leptomeningeal metastases in glioma revisited: incidence and molecular predictors based on postcontrast fluid-attenuated inversion recovery imagingJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2023The Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO) Guideline for the Management of Brain Tumor Patients During the Crisis Period: A Consensus Survey About Specific Clinical Scenarios (Version 2023.1) Brain Tumor Research and Treatment
2023The Korean Society for Neuro-Oncology (KSNO) Guideline for the Management of Brain Tumor Patients During the Crisis Period: A Consensus Recommendation Using the Delphi Method (Version 2023.3) Brain Tumor Research and Treatment
2023Revisiting prognostic factors in glioma with leptomeningeal metastases: a comprehensive analysis of clinical and molecular factors and treatment modalities JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2023Mesenchymal Stem-Like Cells Derived from the Ventricle More Effectively Enhance Invasiveness of Glioblastoma Than Those Derived from the TumorYONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Dual inhibition of CPT1A and G6PD suppresses glioblastoma tumorspheresJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2022Adding radiomics to the 2021 WHO updates may improve prognostic prediction for current IDH-wildtype histological lower-grade gliomas with known EGFR amplification and TERT promoter mutation statusEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2022Assessing Spatial Distribution of Multicellular Self-Assembly Enables the Prediction of Phenotypic Heterogeneity in Glioblastoma CANCERS
2022Two independent variants of epidermal growth factor receptor associated with risk of glioma in a Korean population SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Tissue Niche Miniature of Glioblastoma Patient Treated with Nano-Awakeners to Induce Suicide of Cancer Stem CellsADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS
202211 C-Acetate PET/CT Detects Reactive Astrogliosis Helping Glioma ClassificationCLINICAL NUCLEAR MEDICINE
2022Etomoxir, a carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1 inhibitor, combined with temozolomide reduces stemness and invasiveness in patient-derived glioblastoma tumorspheres CANCER CELL INTERNATIONAL
2022Sex as a prognostic factor in adult-type diffuse gliomas: an intergrated clinical and molecular analysis according to the 2021 WHO classificationJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2022A lignan from Alnus japonica inhibits glioblastoma tumorspheres by suppression of FOXM1 SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022Patterns of recurrence according to the extent of resection in patients with IDH-wild-type glioblastoma: a retrospective studyJOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2022Glioblastoma-educated mesenchymal stem-like cells promote glioblastoma infiltration via extracellular matrix remodelling in the tumour microenvironment CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE
2022Adjuvant Radiotherapy Versus Surveillance for Grade 2 Intracranial Meningiomas: A Multi-Institutional Propensity Score-Matched Study FRONTIERS IN ONCOLOGY
2022A fully automatic multiparametric radiomics model for differentiation of adult pilocytic astrocytomas from high-grade gliomasEUROPEAN RADIOLOGY
2022Recent Update on Neurosurgical Management of Brain Metastasis Brain Tumor Research and Treatment
2022Influence of Concurrent and Adjuvant Temozolomide on Health-Related Quality of Life of Patients with Grade III Gliomas: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial (KNOG-1101 Study) CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2022Quenching Epigenetic Drug Resistance Using Antihypoxic Microparticles in Glioblastoma Patient-Derived ChipsADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS
2022Clinical and diffusion parameters may noninvasively predict TERT promoter mutation status in grade II meningiomasJOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY
2022Levetiracetam as a sensitizer of concurrent chemoradiotherapy in newly diagnosed glioblastoma: An open-label phase 2 study CANCER MEDICINE
2022Quality of Radiomics Research on Brain Metastasis: A Roadmap to Promote Clinical Translation KOREAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2022A novel biguanide (IM1761065) inhibits bioenergetics of glioblastoma tumorspheresJOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2022Soluble ICAM-1 a Pivotal Communicator between Tumors and Macrophages, Promotes Mesenchymal Shift of Glioblastoma ADVANCED SCIENCE
2021A novel paper MAP method for rapid high resolution histological analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2021Radiomics-based prediction of multiple gene alteration incorporating mutual genetic information in glioblastoma and grade 4 astrocytoma, IDH-mutant JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY
2021Stereotactic biopsy for adult brainstem lesions: A surgical approach and its diagnostic value according to the 2016 World Health Organization Classification CANCER MEDICINE
2021Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI may be helpful to predict response and prognosis after bevacizumab treatment in patients with recurrent high-grade glioma: comparison with diffusion tensor and dynamic susceptibility contrast imagingNEURORADIOLOGY
2021Anterior skull base reconstruction using an anterolateral thigh free flap Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2021K-RAS Acts as a Critical Regulator of CD44 to Promote the Invasiveness and Stemness of GBM in Response to Ionizing Radiation INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2021Endoscopic transorbital approach to the insular region: cadaveric feasibility study and clinical application (SevEN-005)JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY
2021A diagnostic tree for differentiation of adult pilocytic astrocytomas from high-grade gliomasEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2021Influence of the Amount of Fresh Specimen on the Isolation of Tumor Mesenchymal Stem-Like Cells from High-Grade Glioma YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL

