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노화관련 질환에서 mTOR의 억제제의 임상적 적용과 가능성

Other Titles
 mTOR Inhibitor as a Potential Drug of Age-related Disease 
 신현영  ;  추상희  ;  이향규  ;  이지원 
 Korean Journal of Clinical Geriatrics (임상노인의학회지), Vol.12(4) : 149-159, 2011 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Clinical Geriatrics(임상노인의학회지)
Issue Date
mTOR ; mTOR inhibitor ; Ageing
mTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin) is a serine/threonine kinase belonging to the PI3K (phosphoinositide 3-kinase)-related family kinase. mTOR is known to regulate cell growth, proliferation, autophagy and protein synthesis in response to growth factor, nutrient, stress. mTOR inhibitor has been broadly used as an immunosuppressant for kidney transplant patients. Clinical results of the data have showed mTOR inhibitor as an anticancer agent to several kinds of cancers and many clinical trials are still undergoing. Recently, mTOR signaling pathway has been studied with, not only metabolic disease, neurodegenerative disease, cardiovascular disease, which are related to the ageing process, but also the possibility of direct prolongation of human life. However, the studies of mTOR pathway with age-related disease are still in the early stage, we need more studies about increasing infectivity after immunosuppression and other adverse events of mTOR inhibitor. In this article, we will review age-related disease with mTOR pathway and discuss mTOR inhibitor as a potential agent for extending healthy life in the future.
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Yonsei Authors
Lee, Ji Won(이지원) ORCID logo
Lee, Hyang Kyu(이향규) ORCID logo
Chu, Sang Hui(추상희) ORCID logo
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