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Measurements of Neutron Activation and Dose Rate Induced by High-Energy Medical Linear Accelerator

 Na Hye Kwon  ;  Young Jae Jang  ;  Jinsung Kim  ;  Kum Bae Kim  ;  Jaeryong Yoo  ;  So Hyun Ahn  ;  Dong Wook Kim  ;  Sang Hyoun Choi 
 Progress in Medical Physics, Vol.32(4) : 145-152, 2021-12 
Journal Title
Progress in Medical Physics
Issue Date
Spectroscopy ; Activation ; Dose rate ; Linear accelerator ; Radionuclide
Purpose: During the treatments of cancer patients with a linear accelerator (LINAC) using photon beams with energies ≥8 MV, the components inside the LINAC head get activated through the interaction of photonuclear reaction (γ, n) and neutron capture (n, γ). We used spectroscopy and measured the dose rate for the LINAC in operation after the treatment ended.
Methods: We performed spectroscopy and dose rate measurements for three units of LINACs with a portable high-purity Germanium (HPGe) detector and a survey meter. The spectra were obtained after the beams were turned off. Spectroscopy was conducted for 3,600 seconds, and the dose rate was measured three times. We identified the radionuclides for each LINAC.
Results: According to gamma spectroscopy results, most of the nuclides were short-lived radionuclides with half-lives of 100 days, except for 60Co, 65Zn, and 181W nuclides. The dose rate for three LINACs obtained immediately in front of the crosshair was in the range of 0.113 to 0.129 µSv/h. The maximum and minimum dose rates measured on weekends were 0.097 µSv/h and 0.092 µSv/h, respectively. Compared with the differences in weekday data, there was no significant difference between the data measured on Saturday and Sunday.
Conclusions: Most of the detected radionuclides had half-lives <100 days, and the dose rate decreased rapidly. For equipment that primarily used energies ≤10 MV, when the equipment was transferred after at least 10 minutes after shutting it down, it is expected that there will be little effect on the workers’ exposure.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dong Wook(김동욱) ORCID logo
Kim, Jinsung(김진성) ORCID logo
Ahn, So Hyun(안소현)
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