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아래턱뼈 계측을 통한 한국인의 체질인류학적 특징 및 남녀판별함수 분석

Other Titles
 Physical anthropological characteristics and sex determinative analysis by the metric traits of Koran mandibles 
 허경석  ;  고기석  ;  정한성  ;  강민규  ;  최병영  ;  김희진 
 Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology, Vol.13(4) : 369-382, 2000 
Journal Title
Korean Journal of Physical Anthropology(대한체질인류학회지)
Issue Date
Koreans ; Mandible ; Metric traits ; Sex difference ; Ethnic difference
Mandible is the biggest and the hardest facial bone and its shape is found well-remained in the fossil and forensic research area. Therefore it is of significance in physical anthropology and it has been used to distinguish the different ethnic groups as well as the gender. The 102 Korean mandibles of the known sex were examined by metric physical anthropological methods.
The 27 criteria of the mandible's metric traits which include ramus height, total mandibular length and mandibular angle were measured by mandibulometer or digital caliper. Out of the 27 metric criteria of the mandible, 13 criteria showed different measurements between the male and the female. Among these, all the criteria concerning the height of the ramus such as the ramus projective length and the ramus height, the criteria concerning the length of the mandible like the mandibular projective length and most of the criteria concerning the width of the mandible that include maximum bicondylar breadth and bigonial breadth showed a significant sex difference (p<.05).
There were 19 criteria that could be compared with the different ethnic groups. Among these, in the criteria concerning the height of the mandible, Koreans had a higher measurement than the Japanese and the Chinese. In the width criteria, the Koreans had the largest maximum bicondylar breadth, but had the smallest bigonial breadth. The three ethnic groups had the similar mandible length. The Koreans had the shortest length of the mandibular body while the Japanese and the Chinese had a similar length.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Oral Biology (구강생물학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Hee Jin(김희진) ORCID logo
Jung, Han Sung(정한성) ORCID logo
Hu, Kyung Seok(허경석) ORCID logo
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