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Showing results 881 to 900 of 1304

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2015The Association between Continuity of Care and All-Cause Mortality in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Population-Based Retrospective Cohort Study, 2005-2012 PLOS ONE
2016The Association between Inappropriate Weight Control Behaviors and Suicide Ideation and Attempt among Korean Adolescents JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2016The association between low blood lead levels and the prevalence of prehypertension among nonhypertensive adults in KoreaAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN BIOLOGY
2017The association between number of doctors per bed and readmission of elderly patients with pneumonia in South Korea BMC HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH
2022The association between nurse staffing level and length of stay in general ward and intensive care unit in KoreaAPPLIED NURSING RESEARCH
2017The association between objective income and subjective financial need and depressive symptoms in South Koreans aged 60 and olderPSYCHOGERIATRICS
2017The association between perceived unmet medical need and mental health among the Republic of Korea Armed ForcesJOURNAL OF THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS
2009The association between pulse wave velocity and metabolic syndrome and adiponectin in patients with impaired fasting glucose: cardiovascular risks and adiponectin in IFGDIABETES RESEARCH AND CLINICAL PRACTICE
2013The association between pulse wave velocity and metabolic syndrome in KoreanDISABILITY AND REHABILITATION-ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY
2018The association between satisfaction with husband's participation in housework and suicidal ideation among married working women in KoreaPSYCHIATRY RESEARCH
2015The Association between Short or Long Sleep Times and Quality of Life (QOL): Results of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES IV-V) JOURNAL OF CLINICAL SLEEP MEDICINE
2015The association between sleep duration and dry eye syndrome among Korean adultsSLEEP MEDICINE
2016The Association Between Smoking Tobacco After a Diagnosis of Diabetes and the Prevalence of Diabetic Nephropathy in the Korean Male Population Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
2018The association between somatic and psychological discomfort and health-related quality of life according to the elderly and non-elderlyQUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH
2017The association between subjective socioeconomic status and health inequity in victims of occupational accidents in Korea Journal of Odor and Indoor Environment (실내환경 및 냄새 학회지)
2017The Association Between Symptomatic and Diagnostic Depression and Pain Among the Elderly Population in South KoreaJOURNAL OF NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISEASE
2014The Association of Adolescent Fatness and Fitness With Risk Factors for Adult Metabolic Syndrome: A 22-Year Follow-up StudyJOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH
2016The Association of Level of Internet Use with Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts in South Korean Adolescents: A Focus on Family Structure and Household Economic Status. CANADIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY-REVUE CANADIENNE DE PSYCHIATRIE
2015The association of market competition with hospital charges, length of stay, and quality outcomes for patients with joint diseases: a longitudinal study in KoreaASIA-PACIFIC JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH
2009The association of serum lipids with renal function: the Korea Medical Institute StudyEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR PREVENTION & REHABILITATION

