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Health behaviors influencing depressive symptoms in older Koreans living...

Heejung Kim ; Sooyoung Kwon ; Soyun Hong ; Sangeun Lee BMC GERIATRICS, Vol.18(1) : 186, 2018

A comparative study to identify factors of caregiver burden between baby...

Heejung Kim ; Sangeun Lee ; Jooyoung Cheon ; Soyun Hong ; Mido Chang BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, Vol.18(1) : 579, 2018

The life of Adolescent Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease

이선희 ; 김소선 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING, Vol.40(3) : 411-422, 2010
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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Clinical profile of Korean children with spina bifida: a single-center prospective cohort study BMC PEDIATRICS
2024Physical activity patterns of children and adolescents with Down syndrome: Using the Fitbit and parental proxy questionnaireJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2021Validity and Reliability of the Sense of Coherence Scale among Korean Adolescents with Chronic DiseasesJOURNAL OF PEDIATRIC NURSING-NURSING CARE OF CHILDREN & FAMILIES
2019Korean Physicians' Perspectives on Prognostication in Palliative Care: A Qualitative StudyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE MEDICINE
2018A comparative study to identify factors of caregiver burden between baby boomers and post baby boomers: a secondary analysis of a US online caregiver survey BMC PUBLIC HEALTH
2018Health behaviors influencing depressive symptoms in older Koreans living alone: secondary data analysis of the 2014 Korean longitudinal study of aging BMC GERIATRICS
2017Pediatric nurse practitioners' clinical competencies and knowing patterns in nursing: Focus group interviewsCONTEMPORARY NURSE
2017온라인 조사를 통한 한국 여자대학생의 문제음주 영향요인 Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing (정신간호학회지)
2015국내 아동전문간호사의 근무지 역할에 따른 직무수행과 직무만족도 및 직무스트레스 비교 Child Health Nursing Research
2015재가간호서비스 제공자의 업무 수행 현황과 장애요인 JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2010The life of Adolescent Patients with Complex Congenital Heart Disease JOURNAL OF KOREAN ACADEMY OF NURSING
2009우리나라 모자보건 정책사업 분석 - 미숙아와 저체중출생아를 중심으로 - Korean Journal of Child Health Nursing (아동간호학회지)
2009청소년의 항생제 사용에 대한 지식과 태도 Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing (기본간호학회지)
2008Health insurance expenditure of premature infants hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit Journal of the Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health (한국모자보건학회지)
2006Development and evaluation of a PBL-based continuing education for clinical nurses: a pilot study Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (대한간호학회지)
2004임상 간호사들의 연구 관련 활동 실태 및 연구결과 활용의 장애 요인 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (대한간호학회지)
2004유방암 환자의 스트레스 대응 능력 증진을 위한 심리사회적 중재 개발 및 효과: 예비연구 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (대한간호학회지)
2004심리사회적 중재가 간호대학생의 스트레스 지각, 대처방법, 스트레스 반응에 미치는 효과* Korean Journal of Adult Nursing (성인간호학회지)
2002데이터 마이닝 기법을 이용한 저체중 청소년의 특성탐색과 건강증진방안에 관한 연구 - 서울시 고등학생을 중심으로 - Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics (대한의료정보학회지)

