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2016 | A surgical strategy for severe facial asymmetry due to unilateral condylar overgrowth | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
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2016 | Accidental injury of the inferior alveolar nerve due to the extrusion of calcium hydroxide in endodontic treatment: a case report
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2012 | Accuracy and validity of stitching sectional cone beam computed tomographic images | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2014 | Accuracy assessment of image-based surface meshing for volumetric computed tomography images in the craniofacial region | JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY |
2017 | Accuracy of 3-Dimensional Virtual Surgical Simulation Combined With Digital Teeth Alignment: A Pilot Study | JOURNAL OF ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY |
2022 | Accuracy of dental implant placement with computer-guided surgery: a retrospective cohort study
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2013 | Activation of Rac1-dependent redox signaling is critically involved in staurosporine-induced neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells | FREE RADICAL RESEARCH |
2021 | Activation of Wnt signalling reduces the population of cancer stem cells in ameloblastoma
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2022 | Allogeneic Demineralized Dentin Matrix as rhBMP-2 Carrier: A Retrospective Clinical Study | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ORAL & MAXILLOFACIAL IMPLANTS |
2021 | Allogeneic Dentin Graft: A Review on Its Osteoinductivity and Antigenicity
2013 | Alloplastic total temporomandibular joint replacement using stock prosthesis: a one-year follow-up report of two cases
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2012 | Alveolar bone necrosis and spontaneous tooth exfoliation associated with trigeminal herpes zoster: a report of three cases.
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2022 | Ameloblastoma modifies tumor microenvironment for enhancing invasiveness by altering collagen alignment | HISTOCHEMISTRY AND CELL BIOLOGY |