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Showing results 810 to 829 of 1197

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2015p62 prevents carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazine (CCCP)-induced apoptotic cell death by activating Nrf2BIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2016p62/SQSTM1 is required for the protection against endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced apoptotic cell deathFREE RADICAL RESEARCH
2016p62/Sqstm1 promotes malignancy of HCV-positive hepatocellular carcinoma through Nrf2-dependent metabolic reprogramming NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2019Paip1 Indicated Poor Prognosis in Cervical Cancer and Promoted Cervical Carcinogenesis CANCER RESEARCH AND TREATMENT
2018Palmitate and minimally-modified low-density lipoprotein cooperatively promote inflammatory responses in macrophages PLOS ONE
2010Panel of candidate biomarkers for renal cell carcinomaJOURNAL OF PROTEOME RESEARCH
2015Pannexin 3 is required for normal progression of skeletal development in vertebratesFASEB JOURNAL
2012Particulate air pollution induces arrhythmia via oxidative stress and calcium calmodulin kinase II activationTOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY
2018Pathogenesis of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis and Hormone-Based Therapeutic Approaches FRONTIERS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY
2021Pathological predictive factors for late recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma in chronic liver diseaseLIVER INTERNATIONAL
2019Patient-Derived Cells to Guide Targeted Therapy for Advanced Lung Adenocarcinoma SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2013Pax6 Expressed in Osteocytes Inhibits Canonical Wnt Signaling MOLECULES AND CELLS
2020PD-1 Blockade Reinvigorates Bone Marrow CD8 + T Cells from Patients with Multiple Myeloma in the Presence of TGFβ Inhibitors CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
2021PD-1 blockade-unresponsive human tumor-infiltrating CD8 + T cells are marked by loss of CD28 expression and rescued by IL-15CELLULAR & MOLECULAR IMMUNOLOGY
2021PD-1-Expressing SARS-CoV-2-Specific CD8 + T Cells Are Not Exhausted, but Functional in Patients with COVID-19 IMMUNITY
2016PD-L1 expression on immune cells, but not on tumor cells, is a favorable prognostic factor for head and neck cancer patients SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019PEGylated Magnetic Nano-Assemblies as Contrast Agents for Effective T2-Weighted MR Imaging Nanomaterials
2020Peripheral natural killer cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells correlate with anti-PD-1 responses in non-small cell lung cancer SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2022PERK prevents hepatic lipotoxicity by activating the p62-ULK1 axis-mediated noncanonical KEAP1-Nrf2 pathway REDOX BIOLOGY
2024Permissive lung neutrophils facilitate tuberculosis immunopathogenesis in male phagocyte NADPH oxidase-deficient mice PLOS PATHOGENS

