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Showing results 689 to 708 of 1197

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Machine Learning Predicts Oxaliplatin Benefit in Early Colon CancerJOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY
2017Macrophage C-type lectin is essential for phagosome maturation and acidification during Escherichia coli-induced peritonitisBIOCHEMICAL AND BIOPHYSICAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS
2002Macrophage 분화에 미치는 Glycated-LDL 및 몇 가지 Effector의 영향 한국지질동맥경화학회지
2014Macrophages promote progression of spasmolytic polypeptide-expressing metaplasia after acute loss of parietal cellsGASTROENTEROLOGY
2002Macrophage와 Glycated-LDL의 Uptake 및 산화에 미치는 몇 가지 Effector의 효과 한국지질동맥경화학회지
2022Magnetic Nanochain-Based Smart Drug Delivery System with Remote Tunable Drug Release by a Magnetic FieldBIOCHIP JOURNAL
2016Magnetic Nanovector Enabling miRNA-34a Delivery for CD44 Suppression with Concurrent MR ImagingJOURNAL OF NANOSCIENCE AND NANOTECHNOLOGY
2024Magneto-acoustic protein nanostructures for non-invasive imaging of tissue mechanics in vivo NATURE MATERIALS
2011Malignant tumor formation after transplantation of short-term cultured bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in experimental myocardial infarction and diabetic neuropathy CIRCULATION RESEARCH
2020Mammalian CBX7 isoforms p36 and p22 exhibit differential responses to serum, varying functions for proliferation, and distinct subcellular localization SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2020Mapping the Degradable Kinome Provides a Resource for Expedited Degrader DevelopmentCELL
2022Mapping the Degradable Kinome: A Resource for Expedited Degrader DevelopmentMOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS
2021Maturation of Mitochondrially Targeted Prx V Involves a Second Cleavage by Mitochondrial Intermediate Peptidase That Is Sensitive to Inhibition by H2O2 ANTIOXIDANTS
2016MCRS1 associates with cytoplasmic dynein and mediates pericentrosomal material recruitment SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018Measuring water contents in animal organ tissues using terahertz spectroscopic imaging BIOMEDICAL OPTICS EXPRESS
2017Mechanical compression induces VEGFA overexpression in breast cancer via DNMT3A-dependent miR-9 downregulation CELL DEATH & DISEASE
2013Melatonin induces autophagy via an mTOR-dependent pathway and enhances clearance of mutant-TGFBIpJOURNAL OF PINEAL RESEARCH
2014Mesenchymal stem cells enhance autophagy and increase β-amyloid clearance in Alzheimer disease modelsAUTOPHAGY
2020Mesenchymal stem cells modulate misfolded α-synuclein in parkinsonian disorders: A multitarget disease-modifying strategySTEM CELL RESEARCH
2017Mesenchymal Stem Cells Stabilize Axonal Transports for Autophagic Clearance of α-Synuclein in Parkinsonian ModelsSTEM CELLS

