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Showing results 5761 to 5780 of 62728

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2007Atomoxetine versus Methylphenidate in Paediatric Outpatients with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Randomized, Double-Blind Comparison TrialAUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY
2009Atopic dermatitis with group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus skin infection complicated by posterior reversible encephalopathy syndromeARCHIVES OF DERMATOLOGY
2021Atopic Diseases Are Associated With Development of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases in Korea: A Nationwide Population-based StudyCLINICAL GASTROENTEROLOGY AND HEPATOLOGY
2005Atopy and house dust mite sensitization as risk factors for asthma in children YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2020Atorvastatin protects cardiomyocyte from doxorubicin toxicity by modulating survivin expression through FOXO1 inhibitionJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR CARDIOLOGY
2022Atorvastatin protects cardiomyocyte from doxorubicin toxicity by modulating YAP/TAZ signaling Dissertation
2007ATP-Based Chemotherapy Response Assay in Patients with Unresectable Gastric CancerONCOLOGY
2014ATP-Based Chemotherapy Response Assay in Primary or Recurrent Ovarian and Peritoneal Cancer YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1995ATP-citrate lyase 유전자의 promoter내 조절부위 분석Dissertation
2020ATP-P2X7-Induced Inflammasome Activation Contributes to Melanocyte Death and CD8 + T-Cell Trafficking to the Skin in VitiligoJOURNAL OF INVESTIGATIVE DERMATOLOGY
2022ATP1A2 유전자 변이를 보인 산발반신마비 편두통 Journal of the Korean Neurological Association(대한신경과학회지)
2010Atrial activation time and pattern of linear triple-site vs. single-site atrial pacing after cardioversion in patients with atrial fibrillation. EUROPACE
2010Atrial electroanatomical remodeling as a determinant of different outcomes between two current ablation strategies: circumferential pulmonary vein isolation vs pulmonary vein isolationCLINICAL CARDIOLOGY
2022Atrial Fibrillation and Dementia: A Report From the AF-SCREEN International CollaborationCIRCULATION
2021Atrial fibrillation and the risk of ischaemic strokes or intracranial haemorrhages: comparisons of the catheter ablation, medical therapy, and non-atrial fibrillation populationEUROPACE
2018Atrial fibrillation and the risk of myocardial infarction : a nation-wide propensity-matched study Dissertation
2017Atrial fibrillation and the risk of myocardial infarction: a nation-wide propensity-matched study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation Improves 1-Year Follow-Up Cognitive Function, Especially in Patients With Impaired Cognitive FunctionCIRCULATION-ARRHYTHMIA AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY
2019Atrial Fibrillation Catheter Ablation Increases the Left Atrial PressureCIRCULATION-ARRHYTHMIA AND ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY
2018Atrial fibrillation in patients with first-ever stroke: Incidence trends and antithrombotic therapy before the event PLOS ONE

