The TomoTherapy® beam-delivery method creates helical beam-junctioning patterns in the dose
distribution within the target. In addition, the dose discrepancy results in the particular region
where the resonance by pattern of dose delivery occurs owing to the change in the position and
shape of internal organs with a patient's respiration during long treatment times. In this study, we
evaluated the dose pattern of the longitudinal profile with the change in respiration. The superiorinferior
motion signal of the programmable respiratory motion phantom was obtained using AbChes
as a four-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) original moving signal. We delineated virtual
targets in the phantom and planned to deliver the prescription dose of 300 cGy using field widths
of 1.0 cm, 2.5 cm, and 5.0 cm. An original moving signal was fitted to reflecting the beam delivery
time of the TomoTherapy®. The EBT3 film was inserted into the phantom movement cassette, and
static, without the movement and with the original movement, was measured with signal changes
of 2.0 s, 4.0 s, and 5.0 s periods, and 2.0 mm and 4.0 mm amplitudes. It was found that a dose
fluctuation within ±4.0% occurred in all longitudinal profiles. Compared with the original
movement, the region of the gamma index above 1 partially appeared within the target and the
border of the target when the period and amplitude were changed. Gamma passing rates were
95.00% or more. However, cases for a 5.0 s period and 4.0 mm amplitude at a field width of 2.5
cm and for 2.0 s and 5.0 s periods at a field width of 5.0 cm have gamma passing rates of 92.73%,
90.31%, 90.31%, and 93.60%. TomoTherapy® s hows a s mall d ifference i n d ose d istribution
according to the changes of period and amplitude of respiration. Therefore, to treat a variable
respiratory motion region, a margin reflecting the degree of change of respiration signal is required.