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Photo Plethysmography를 이용한 정상과 재접합 수지 혈류량의 비교

Other Titles
 Comparison of Normal and Replantation Digital Blood Flow Using Photo Plethys mography 
 설철환  ;  하상욱  ;  이병렬  ;  이원재  ;  김진수  ;  남기창  ;  김덕원  ;  나동균 
 Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand, Vol.10(3) : 83-88, 2005 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Society for Surgery of the Hand(대한수부외과학회지)
Issue Date
Circulatory insufficiency ; Digital bloodflow ; Replantation ; Photo phlethysmography
Circulatory insufficiency ; Digital bloodflow ; Replantation ; Photo phlethysmography
The degree of circulatory insufficiency in Raynaud's phenomenon, Buerger's disease or digital replantation has been evaluated only by clinical symptoms and signs or angiograms. Objective evaluation methods of the disability of digits are crucial for proper management of patients with circulatory insufficiency of digits. Angiogram, Doppler, electromagnetic flowmeter, laser blood flowmetry, mechanical blood flowmetry has been used for the evaluation of the circulatory insufficiency, however, the data was affected by time, place, room temperature and patient's emotional state. In fact, many methods are unreliable, expensive and difficult to perform. Photo plethysmography can measure the absorption amount of light at different wavelength. Summation of the absorbed and emitted amount of light evenly match the input amount. Photo plethysmography evaluates qualitative blood flow differences by comparing normal fingers and replanted fingers.
So we designed the two channel photo plethysmography to compare digital blood flow between dominant hand to non dominant hand and replanted fingers to opposite normal fingers in 202 pairs of fingers in 44 patients. The average digital blood flow in both hands showed no difference but replanted digits showed 53% compare to opposite normal digits. In each patient, the blood flow of each digit showed significant difference. In conclusion, photo phlethysmography is a sensitive, reliable, and useful tool for evaluating blood flow for circulatory insufficiency of tissues such as fingers and toes.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (성형외과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Deok Won(김덕원)
Rah, Dong Kyun(나동균)
Lee, Won Jai(이원재) ORCID logo
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