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Showing results 1 to 20 of 841

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2025A novel least squares approach generating approximations orthogonal to the null space of the operatorApplied Numerical Mathematics
2024Study on 3D printing a fine quality bone-mimetic porous structure with minimized shape error in pore size: a parametric work on key laser parameters in SLMInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
2024Microfluidics-based condensation bioaerosol sampler for multipoint airborne virus monitoringBIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS
2024Bioelectronic Sutures with Electrochemical pH-Sensing for Long-Term Monitoring of the Wound Healing ProgressADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2024Surface Crystal and Degradability of Shape Memory Scaffold Essentialize Osteochondral RegenerationSMALL
2024A promising strategy for combating bacterial infections through the use of light-triggered ROS in Ce6-immobilized hydrogels REGENERATIVE BIOMATERIALS
2024Functionalized EGaIn Electrodes with Tunable Reduced-Graphene-Oxide Assembled EGaIn Core–Shell Particles for Soft and Deformable Electrochemical BiosensorsADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2024텍스트 네트워크 분석을 통한 환자중앙감시시스템의 사용적합성 평가를 위한 위해요인 분석 Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research(의공학회지)
2024Comparison of tissue response and lifting effect induced by non-absorbable elastic thread and commercialized threads in rat model REGENERATIVE BIOMATERIALS
2024Artificial Vasa-Vasorum Serves as an On-Site Regenerative Promoter of Cell-Free Vascular GraftingADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2024Chip collection of hepatocellular carcinoma based on O2 heterogeneity from patient tissue NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024Simultaneous Viability Assessment and Invasive Coronary Angiography Using a Therapeutic CT System in Chronic Myocardial Infarction Patients YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Self-Powered Sweat-Responsive Structural Color DisplayADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS
2024비전 트랜스포머를 이용한 단일 리드 심전도 기반 사용자 인증 시스템Journal of Korea Multimedia Society(멀티미디어학회논문지)
2024In situ Reprogramming as a Pro-Angiogenic Inducer to Rescue Ischemic Tissues PULSE
2024의료기기 통합정보를 활용한 건강보험심사평가원과 식품의약품안전처의 정보 연계 방안 HIRA Research(건강보험심사평가원 학술지)
2024User Experience Evaluation of a Spinal Surgery Robot: Workload, Usability, and Satisfaction Study JMIR HUMAN FACTORS
2024In-depth correlation analysis between tear glucose and blood glucose using a wireless smart contact lens NATURE COMMUNICATIONS
2024J-MISFET Hybrid Dual-Gate Switching Device for Multifunctional Optoelectronic Logic Gate ApplicationsACS NANO
2024Anti- and pro-fibrillatory effects of pulmonary vein isolation gaps in human atrial fibrillation digital twins NPJ DIGITAL MEDICINE(Nature partner journals digital medicine Digital medicine)

