1. Journal Papers

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024A Novel Approach to Peripheral Nerve Regeneration: Local FK-506 Delivery Using a Reservoir Flap Model YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2024Mapping High-Risk Arteries Using Doppler Ultrasound for Forehead Contouring in Korean PatientsDERMATOLOGIC SURGERY
2024Considering factors for breast reconstruction using stacked profunda artery perforator flaps in an Asian patient: a case report ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2024The use of an ultrasonic dissection device for the P1 method in prosthetic breast reconstruction ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2024Perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis in implant breast reconstruction ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2024Scoping review exploring advancements in topical agent therapies for erectile dysfunctionSEXUAL MEDICINE REVIEWS
2024Salvage lymphadenectomy or radiation therapy in prostate cancer patients with biochemical recurrence and PET positive lymph nodes after radical prostatectomy: A systematic review and pooled analysisEJSO
2024Surgical and wound management for hand-localized kaposiform hemangioendothelioma: a case report Archives of Hand and Microsurgery
2024A Classic and Effective Approach for Managing Totally Implantable Venous-Access Port Site Dehiscence in Patients with Cancer: The Limberg Flap Journal of Wound Management and Research
2024Single Tau-Shaped Anterolateral Thigh Free Flap on Bimalleolar Defect Acquired by Osteomyelitis in Lower Extremity Trauma: A Case Report Journal of Wound Management and Research
2024Reconstruction methods for large cranial-nasal communications: surgeons’ concerns about proper anterior skull base reconstruction Archives of Hand and Microsurgery
2024Association of cranial base suture/synchondrosis fusion with severity of increased intracranial pressure in Crouzon syndromeJOURNAL OF CRANIO-MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY
2024Surgical Navigation Applied in Removal of Glass Located Under Zygomatic ArchJOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY
2024Early Experience of Direct-to-Implant Breast Reconstruction Using Acellular Dermal Matrix after Robot-Assisted Nipple-Sparing MastectomyPLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
2024The Donut DIEP Flap: A Novel Scarless TechniquePLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY
2024Batwing-shaped de-epithelialization technique: a case report ARCHIVES OF AESTHETIC PLASTIC SURGERY
2024Demographic review of aesthetic surgery for patients with facial palsy Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2024Auricle reconstruction with autologous costal cartilage versus polyethylene implants in microtia patients: a meta-analysis Archives of Craniofacial Surgery
2024Increased Susceptibility to Mechanical Stretch Drives the Persistence of Keloid Fibroblasts: An Investigation Using a Stretchable PDMS Platform BIOMEDICINES
2024Zinc-Alpha-2-Glycoprotein Peptide Downregulates Type I and III Collagen Expression via Suppression of TGF-β and p-Smad 2/3 Pathway in Keloid Fibroblasts and Rat Incisional ModelTISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE

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