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성견 1면 골 결손부에서 polylactic/polyglycolic acid copolymer (PLA/PGA) 흡수성 차단막의 치주 조직 재생에 대한 연구

Other Titles
 The effects of polylactic/polyglycolic copolymer (PLA/PGA) membrane on the healing of 1-wall intrabony defects in beagle dogs 
 김성구  ;  황성준  ;  최성호  ;  김종관  ;  채중규  ;  조규성  ;  이용근  ;  이덕연  ;  김창성  ;  김민경 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology (대한치주과학회지), Vol.33(4) : 599-613, 2003 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Periodontology(대한치주과학회지)
Issue Date
The goal of periodontal treatment is regeneration of the periodontium. Bone graft and absorbable PLA/PGA membrane have been used for this purpose. In this study, 4x4mm 1-wall intrabony defects were surgically created bilaterally in the mandible of five male beagles. The control group went through a conventional flap operation, while the experimental group I was treated with absorbable PLA/PGA membranes only, group II was treated with absorbable membrane and calcium phosphate. The results are the following : 1. The defect height was 4.82±0.45mm in the control group, 4.93±0.79mm in the experimental I group, and 4.92±0.62mm in the experimental II group. There was no statistically significant difference among 3 groups(P <0.05). 2. The amount of junctional epithelium migration was 30.90±9.92% of the defect height in the control group, 39.16±7.51% in the experimental I group, and 38.68±12.22% in the experimental II group. There was no statistically significant difference among 3 groups(P <0.05). 3. The amount of connective tissue adhesion was 36.38±9.03% in the control group, 14.73±3.93% in experimental I group, and 27.87±9.70% experimental II group. Experimental group I was a statistically significantly different from control group(P <0.05). 4. The amount of new cementum regeneration was 32.92±10.51%, 50.04±7.61%, and 39.62±12.14% for the control, experimental I, and experimental II group respectively. Experimental group I was a statistically significantly different from control group(P<0.05). 5. The amount of new alveolar bone regeneration was 27.24±7.49%, 40.75±8.03%, and 36.47±15.11% for the control, experimental I, and experimental II group respectively. Experimental group I was a statistically significantly different from control group(P <0.05). The results suggest that the use of PLA/PGA membrane in 1-wall intrabony defect of beagle dogs may promote periodontal regeneration. Further studies are required to determine their regeneration effects.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering (치과생체재료공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Periodontics (치주과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Chong Kwan(김종관)
Kim, Chang Sung(김창성) ORCID logo
Lee, Yong Keun(이용근)
Cho, Kyoo Sung(조규성) ORCID logo
Choi, Seong Ho(최성호) ORCID logo
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