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전기 치수 검사 시 인체 반응을 이용한 자극 제어기의 개발

Other Titles
 Development of an Auto Stimulus Breaker During the Electric Pulp Testing using Human Responses 
 남기창  ;  안선희  ;  김덕원  ;  이승종 
 전자공학회논문지.SC (System and Control), Vol.41(6) : 359-366, 2004 
Journal Title
전자공학회논문지.SC (System and Control)
Issue Date
electric pulp test ; pulp vitality ; EMG(electromypgraphy) ; human response ; stimulus
Electric pulp test is a method to examine the vitality of dental pulp using physical and chemical stimulation. During the pulp test, the current stimulates intradental nerve, and it makes patients painful. In this paper, we measured each activating response EMG in anterior belly of digastric muscle, voice, and finger movement during the pulp test by increasing stimulus intensity gradually. We also measured excessive stimulus time from the activating responses (EMG, voice, and finger movement) to the end of the stimulation. We measured and analyzed excessive stimulus time for each stimulus detecting method. As a result, we developed automatic stimulus breaker using the human responses to stimulus during electric pulp test. We reduced the excessive stimulus time by disconnecting the pulp tester stimulus output rapidly in 10 ms after activating human response.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Conservative Dentistry (보존과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Deok Won(김덕원)
Nam, Ki Chang(남기창)
Ahn, Seon Hui(안선희)
Lee, Seung Jong(이승종)
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