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메니에르병 환자에서 고실내 Gadolinium-diethylen-triamine pentaacetic acid 주입 후 자기공명영상을 통한 내림프공간의 시각화

Other Titles
 Visualization of endolymphatic hydrops using Magnetic Resonance Imaging after intratympanic Gd-DTPA administration in patients with Meniere’s disease 
 서영준  ;  심대보  ;  김진아  ;  이원상 
 Journal of the Korean Balance Society (대한평형의학회지), Vol.7(2) : 167-173, 2008 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Balance Society(대한평형의학회지)
Issue Date
Endolymphatic hydrops ; 3D-FLAIR MRI ; Gd-DTPA ; Intratympanic injection
BACKGROUND and OBJECTIVES: Endolymphatic hydrops are known as major causes of Meniere's disease. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging) with contrast tried recently makes it possible to visualize perilymphatic and endolymphatic space without invasive procedures. There are no tryouts in the interior of our country. We attempted MRI after injection of gadolinium-diethylen-triamine pentaacetic acid (Gd-DTPA) in normal adults and patients with Meniere's disease to make sure 3D-FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) MRI parameters and to visualize endolymphatic spaces. MATERIALS and METHODS: Five normal adults and Five patients with Meniere's disease were included in this study. Twenty-four hours after Gd-DTPA intratympanic injection, we performed 3D-FLAIR and 3D-IR imaging at 3T. MRI region of interest signal intensity was used to determine the diffusion of Gd-DTPA into the perilymphatic fluid spaces over time. RESULTS: Five of five in normal group, using 3D-IR MRI after Gd injection, had enhanced imagings (perilymphatic spaces) of inner ears. Five of five in patients group, using 3D-IR after Gd injection, had enhanced perilymphatic spaces and non-enhanced endolymphatic hydrops. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed contrast imaging of the inner ear with 3D-IR MRI after Gd-DTPA intratympanic injection revealed in vivo visualization of endolymphatic hydrops
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology (이비인후과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiology (영상의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Jinna(김진아) ORCID logo
Shim, Dae Bo(심대보)
Lee, Won Sang(이원상)
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