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성견의 다양한 임플란트 주위 골결손부 모델에서 재생술식의 효과에 대한 평가

Other Titles
 Evaluation of the regenerative procedures in various defects around implant : Canine model 
 임현창  ;  채경준  ;  정의원  ;  송시은  ;  김창성  ;  이용근  ;  조규성  ;  김종관  ;  최성호 
 Implantology, Vol.12(1) : 44-61, 2008 
Journal Title
Issue Date
Implant ; Regeneration ; Gap ; Dehiscenece ; Intrab ony defect
1. Healing of gap defect is influenced by the size and morphology of the defect. In case of rough surface implants, used on less than 2mm gap defects, excellent bone regeneration was achieved in both non-submerged type and submerged type without any additional regeneration procedures in dog.
2. Gap width as well as gap depth is an important factor at the site of gap defect, and bone regeneration is limited as the gap gets deeper.
3. Implant surface is a key factor in healing. At the gap defective site, rough surface implants were superior in bone regeneration.
4. Space maintenance at the site of dehiscence defect is also an important factor and the bone housing around defective site is another influence.
5. In the cases of deeper or wider gap defect, the amounts of regeneration were more limited than in other cases, when the same healing periods were set. Bigger defects needed longer period for healing.
On the basis of above mentioned results, defects, which may occur as a result of implant surgery, can be treated effectively, even if our study results are limited
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Dental Biomaterials and Bioengineering (치과생체재료공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Periodontics (치주과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Chong Kwan(김종관)
Kim, Chang Sung(김창성) ORCID logo
Lee, Yong Keun(이용근)
Cho, Kyoo Sung(조규성) ORCID logo
Chae, Gyung Joon(채경준)
Choi, Seong Ho(최성호) ORCID logo
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