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Showing results 25501 to 25520 of 78478

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2019Hyperbilirubinemia and Follow-up Auditory Brainstem Responses in Preterm Infants Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology
2005Hypercalcemia in hepatic tuberculosis: A case report in Korea AMERICAN JOURNAL OF TROPICAL MEDICINE AND HYGIENE
2000Hypercapnea is an important adjuvant factor of oculocardiac reflex during strabismus surgeryAnesthesia and Analgesia
2016Hyperchloremia is associated with 30-day mortality in major trauma patients: a retrospective observational study SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2013Hyperendemicity of Haplorchis taichui Infection among Riparian People in Saravane and Champasak Province, Lao PDR KOREAN JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY
2001Hyperfractionated re-irradiation using a 3-dimensional conformal technique for locally recurrent carcinoma of the nasopharynx; preliminary results YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
1995Hyperglucagonaemia and associated skin lesions following traumatic necrotizing pancreatitisBRITISH JOURNAL OF DERMATOLOGY
2012Hyperglycaemia and vitamin D: a systematic overviewCURRENT DIABETES REVIEWS
2012Hyperglycemia attenuates myocardial preconditioning of remifentanilJOURNAL OF SURGICAL RESEARCH
2024Hyperglycemia enhances brain susceptibility to lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation via astrocyte reprogramming JOURNAL OF NEUROINFLAMMATION
2016Hypergravity upregulates renal inducible nitric oxide synthase expression and nitric oxide production. ONCOTARGET
2019Hyperhidrosis, Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathectomy, and Cardiovascular Outcomes: A Cohort Study Based on the Korean Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service Database INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2009Hyperhomocysteinemia in patients with parkinson's disease and relationship to vitamin B level JOURNAL OF MOVEMENT DISORDERS
2000Hyperhomocysteinemia in renal transplant recipients with cyclosporineTransplantation Proceedings
1996Hyperimmunoglobulin E 증후군에서의 결장천공 -증례보고- Journal of the Korean Association of Pediatric Surgeons(소아외과)
2012Hyperintense HCC on hepatobiliary phase images of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI: Correlation with clinical and pathological featuresEUROPEAN JOURNAL OF RADIOLOGY
2012Hyperintense lesions on gadoxetate disodium-enhanced hepatobiliary phase imagingAMERICAN JOURNAL OF ROENTGENOLOGY
2006Hyperintense nodules on non-enhanced T1-weighted gradient-echo magnetic resonance imaging of cirrhotic liver: Fate and clinical implicationsJOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING
2021Hyperintense Vessels on Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlate with Arteries in the Delayed Phase of Multiphase Computed Tomography Angiography Journal of Neurosonology and Neuroimaging
2015Hyperintense Vessels on T2-PROPELLER-FLAIR in Patients with Acute MCA Stroke: Prediction of Arterial Stenosis and Perfusion AbnormalityAMERICAN JOURNAL OF NEURORADIOLOGY

