Browsing by Yonsei Author : Park, Yoo Seok

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Park, Yoo Seok [박유석]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Emergency Medicine (응급의학교실)
Scopus ID :
Scopus (18134244600)

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Showing results 1 to 50 of 126

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Association between Muscle Mass Index and Neurological Outcomes of Patients with Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Life
2024Cutoff of the reverse shock index multiplied by the Glasgow coma scale for predicting in-hospital mortality in adult patients with trauma: a retrospective cohort study BMC EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2024The usefulness of lactate/albumin ratio, C-reactive protein/albumin ratio, procalcitonin/albumin ratio, SOFA, and qSOFA in predicting the prognosis of patients with sepsis who presented to emergency departmentsAMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2023Different neuroprognostication thresholds of neuron-specific enolase in shockable and non-shockable out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective multicenter observational study in Korea (the KORHN-PRO registry) CRITICAL CARE
2023Severe Systemic Reactions Following Bee Sting Injuries in Korea YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2022Machine Learning Model Development and Validation for Predicting Outcome in Stage 4 Solid Cancer Patients with Septic Shock Visiting the Emergency Department: A Multi-Center, Prospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2022Usefulness of complete blood count parameters to predict poor outcomes in cancer patients with febrile neutropenia presenting to the emergency department ANNALS OF MEDICINE
2022Clinical Frailty Scale as a predictor of short-term mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis of studies on diagnostic test accuracyACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022Optimal temperature in targeted temperature management without automated devices using a feedback system: A multicenter studyAMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022Prognostic factors for late death in septic shock survivors: a multi-center, prospective, registry-based observational studyINTERNAL AND EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2022Comparison of the survival and neurological outcomes in OHCA based on smoking status: investigation of the existence of the smoker's paradox SIGNA VITAE
2022Predisposing Factors and Neurologic Outcomes of Patients with Elevated Serum Amylase and/or Lipase after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Retrospective Cohort Study JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2022Relationship between time of emergency department admission and adherence to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign bundle in patients with septic shock CRITICAL CARE
2021응급실에서 사용되는 노쇠 선별도구들 간의 비교: 체계적 고찰 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine(대한응급의학회지)
2021Effect of rapid fluid administration on the prognosis of septic shock patients with isolated hyperlactatemia: A prospective multicenter observational studyJOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE
2021Background frequency can enhance the prognostication power of EEG patterns categories in comatose cardiac arrest survivors: a prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study CRITICAL CARE
2021Predictive Model of Good Clinical Outcomes in Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography after Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: A Prospective, Multicenter Observational Study Conducted by the Korean Cardiac Arrest Research Consortium JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
20212020 Korean Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. Part 5. Post-cardiac arrest care CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2021Transient Global Ischemia-Induced Brain Inflammatory Cascades Attenuated by Targeted Temperature Management INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES
2021Recovery from acute kidney injury is an independent predictor of survival at 30 days only after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest who were treated by targeted temperature management SIGNA VITAE
2021Impact of 1-Hour Bundle Achievement in Septic Shock JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2021Cerebral Infarction Observed on Brain MRI in Unconscious Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Survivors: A Pilot StudyNEUROCRITICAL CARE
2021The effect of overcrowding in emergency departments on the admission rate according to the emergency triage level PLOS ONE
2021Association between the body mass index and outcomes of patients resuscitated from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest: a prospective multicentre registry study SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF TRAUMA RESUSCITATION & EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2020Development and validation of the VitaL CLASS score to predict mortality in stage IV solid cancer patients with septic shock in the emergency department: a multi-center, prospective cohort study BMC MEDICINE
2020Outcome and status of postcardiac arrest care in Korea: results from the Korean Hypothermia Network prospective registry CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2020Optimal combination of clinical examinations for neurologic prognostication of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patientsRESUSCITATION
2020패혈성 쇼크 환자에서 응급의료센터에서 측정된 체온과 예후와의 연관성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2020Multidisciplinary and Multisociety Practice Guideline on Reprocessing Flexible Gastrointestinal Endoscopes and Endoscopic Accessories CLINICAL ENDOSCOPY
2020Vasospasm-related Sudden Cardiac Death Has Outcomes Comparable with Coronary Stenosis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE
2020Influence of Overcrowding in the Emergency Department on Return Visit Within 72 Hours JOURNAL OF CLINICAL MEDICINE
2020Time to Antibiotics and the Outcome of Patients with Septic Shock: A Propensity Score AnalysisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE
2019Impact of timing to source control in patients with septic shock: A prospective multi-center observational studyJOURNAL OF CRITICAL CARE
2019The usefulness of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin to predict prognosis in septic shock patients: A multicenter prospective registry-based observational study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019Delta Neutrophil Index for the Prediction of the Development of Sepsis-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in the Emergency DepartmentShock
2019Predictive performance of plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin for neurologic outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients treated with targeted temperature management: A prospective observational study Medicine
2019The Delta Neutrophil Index Predicts the Development of In-hospital Hypotension in Initially Stable Patients with Pyogenic Liver Abscess Scientific Reports
2019Grey-white matter ratio measured using early unenhanced brain computed tomography shows no correlation with neurological outcomes in patients undergoing targeted temperature management after cardiac arrestResuscitation
2019Recovery from acute kidney injury as a potent predictor of survival and good neurological outcome at discharge after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest Critical Care
2019Prognostic performance of disease severity scores in patients with septic shock presenting to the emergency departmentAmerican Journal of Emergency Medicine
2019Over-triage occurs when considering the patient’s pain in Korean Triage and Acuity Scale (KTAS) PLOS ONE
2019Immediate versus early coronary angiography with targeted temperature management in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors without ST-segment elevation: A propensity score-matched analysis from a multicenter registryRESUSCITATION
2019Multimodal approach for neurologic prognostication of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients undergoing targeted temperature managementRESUSCITATION
2019Development and external validation of new nomograms by adding ECG changes (ST depression or tall T wave) and age to conventional scoring systems to improve the predictive capacity in patients with subarachnoid haemorrhage: a retrospective, observational study in Korea BMJ OPEN
2018The delta neutrophil index predicts development of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome and 30-day mortality in trauma patients admitted to an intensive care unit: a retrospective analysis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2018Evaluation of the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to vehicle driving pattern, using a virtual reality ambulance driving system: a prospective, cross-over, randomised study BMJ OPEN
2018Characteristics of burn injuries among children aged under six years in South Korea: Data from the Emergency Department-Based Injury In-Depth Surveillance, 2011-2016 PLOS ONE
2018Clinical outcome comparison of patients with septic shock defined by the new sepsis-3 criteria and by previous criteria JOURNAL OF THORACIC DISEASE
2018Value of the Delta Neutrophil Index for Predicting 28-Day Mortality in Patients With Acute Pulmonary Embolism in the Emergency DepartmentSHOCK

