Browsing by Yonsei Author : Hwang, Yoon Jung

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Hwang, Yoon Jung [황윤정]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Emergency Medicine (응급의학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9

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Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2022A quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment-negative result at triage is associated with low compliance with sepsis bundles: a retrospective analysis of a multicenter prospective registry CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL EMERGENCY MEDICINE
2021Hypochloraemia is associated with 28-day mortality in patients with septic shock: a retrospective analysis of a multicentre prospective registryEMERGENCY MEDICINE JOURNAL
2020응급센터에 내원한 중증외상환자에서 평균혈소판용적의 연속 측정을 통한 다발성 장기부전 예측의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine(대한응급의학회지)
2019구글 행아웃을 이용하여 원격 화상회의로 진행한 응급의학과 전공의 교육 경험 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2019The usefulness of C-reactive protein and procalcitonin to predict prognosis in septic shock patients: A multicenter prospective registry-based observational study SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
2019응급실로 내원한 산후 출혈 환자의 중증도 예측 인자로서 젖산 농도의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2019응급실로 내원한 패혈성 쇼크 환자에서의 급성 신 손상 발생의 예측 인자로서 젖산/알부민 비율의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2017응급진료센터에 내원한 ST 분절 상승 심근 경색 환자에서 혈소판 용적 지표의 연속 측정을 통한 30일 사망률 예측의 유용성 Journal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (대한응급의학회지)
2015Newly designed delta neutrophil index-to-serum albumin ratio prognosis of early mortality in severe sepsisAMERICAN JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE

