Browsing by Yonsei Author : Oh, Ji Young

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Oh, Ji Young [오지영]
Department :
College of Medicine (의과대학) - Dept. of Pediatrics (소아과학교실)

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13

This table browses all dspace content
Issue DateTitleJournal Title
2024Diagnosis of Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia via Whole Exome Sequencing and Histologic Findings YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2023Genetic diagnosis of inborn errors of immunity using clinical exome sequencing FRONTIERS IN IMMUNOLOGY
2022Next-generation sequencing-based mutational analysis of idiopathic short stature and isolated growth hormone deficiency in Korean pediatric patientsMOLECULAR AND CELLULAR ENDOCRINOLOGY
2021Neonatal Type 2 Gaucher Disease with Congenital Ichthyosis: A Case Report Perinatology
2021Clinical application of a phenotype-based NGS panel for differential diagnosis of inherited kidney disease and beyond CLINICAL GENETICS
2021Potential role of stress-induced gluconeogenesis in disease aggravation and mortality in pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency: A case-based hypothesisMEDICAL HYPOTHESES
2020Perivascular Stem Cell-Derived Cyclophilin A Improves Uterine Environment with Asherman's Syndrome via HIF1α-Dependent AngiogenesisMOLECULAR THERAPY
2015Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion and cerebral/renal salt wasting syndrome: similarities and differences. FRONTIERS IN PEDIATRICS
2015Outcomes of Hemodialysis in Children: A 35-Year Experience at Severance Hospital YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2015Noninfectious Complications of Peritoneal Dialysis in Korean Children: A 26-Year Single-Center Study YONSEI MEDICAL JOURNAL
2014Could increased IgA induced by BAFF be the cause of IgA nephropathy development in Behcet’s disease?RHEUMATOLOGY INTERNATIONAL
2013비전형적 혈전성 미세병증 1례 Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology (대한소아신장학회지)
2013가와사키 질환에서의 신증상과 영상 검사 소견 Journal of the Korean Society of Pediatric Nephrology (대한소아신장학회지)

