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연세대학교 세브란스 병원 내 입원한 환자의 소아치과 의뢰 현황

Other Titles
 Inpatient Dental Consultations to Pediatric Dentistry in the Yonsei University Severance Hospital 
 주기훈  ;  이제호  ;  송제선  ;  이효설 
 Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (대한소아치과학회지), Vol.41(2) : 145-151, 2014 
Journal Title
Journal of the Korean Academy of Pediatric Dentistry(대한소아치과학회지)
Issue Date
Dental consultation ; Pediatric inpatient ; Pediatric dentistry
The goal of this study was to describe dental consultation of pediatric inpatients to the department of pediatric dentistry at Yonsei University Severance Hospital. 391 dental consultations at Yonsei University Severance Hospital referred to pediatric dentistry in the year 2012 were included in this study. Consultations were categorized according to patients' gender, age, chief complaint, referred department and diagnosis. 288 patients (166 males and 122 females) with an average age of 5.9 were referred to the Department of Pediatric Dentistry. 129 cases (33.1%) from Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, 80 cases (20.5%) from Pediatric Hematology- Oncology, 51 cases (13.0%) from Pediatric Cardiology, and 44 cases (11.3%) from Pediatric Neurology. Chief complaints were ranked from oral examination (39.7%), dental caries (14.0%), pre-operative evaluation (12.8%) and others (33.5%); including oral pain, trauma, tooth mobility, orthodontic treatment, self-injury, fabrication of obturator and etc. Dental consultations should be encouraged as dental care and treatment could affect the control of systemic diseases of admitted patients. Pediatric inpatients have been referred to pediatric dentistry for not only comprehensive oral exam but also various chief complaints. The most frequent dental diagnosis made and treatment performed were dental caries and non-invasive/preventive care respectively.
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2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry (소아치과학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Song, Je Seon(송제선) ORCID logo
Lee, Jae Ho(이제호) ORCID logo
Lee, Hyo Seol(이효설)
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