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적응형 총변이 기법을 이용한 가우시안 잡음 제거 방법 -CBCT 치과 영상에 적용

Other Titles
 Gaussian Noise Reduction Method using Adaptive Total Variation; Application to Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Dental Image 
 김중혁  ;  김정채  ;  김기덕  ;  유선국 
 전자공학회논문지.SC (System and Control), Vol.49/SC(1) : 29-38, 2012 
Journal Title
전자공학회논문지.SC (System and Control)
Issue Date
총변이 최적화 방법 ; 제어 파라미터 ; 잡음 제거 ; 적응형 총변이 방법
The noise generated in the process of obtaining the medical image acts as the element obstructing the image interpretation and diagnosis. To restore the true image from the image polluted from the noise, the total variation optimization algorithm was proposed by the R.O. F (L.Rudin, S Osher, E. Fatemi). This method removes the noise by fitting the balance of the regularity and fidelity. However, the blurring phenomenon of the border area generated in the process of performing the iterative operation cannot be avoided. In this paper, we propose the adaptive total variation method by mapping the control parameter to the proposed transfer function for minimizing boundary error. The proposed transfer function is determined by the noise variance and the local property of the image. The proposed method was applied to 464 tooth images. To evaluate proposed method performance, PSNR which is a indicator of signal and noise’s signal power ratio was used. The experimental results show that the proposed method has better performance than other methods.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Medical Engineering (의학공학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
2. College of Dentistry (치과대학) > Dept. of Advanced General Dentistry (통합치의학과) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Kee Deog(김기덕) ORCID logo
Yoo, Sun Kook(유선국) ORCID logo
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