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전문간호사의 정치적역량에 영향을 미치는 요인

Other Titles
 Factors Affecting Political Competency of Advanced Practice Nurses 
 박우영  ;  이태화 
 Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration (간호행정학회지), Vol.29(3) : 246-257, 2023-06 
Journal Title
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration(간호행정학회지)
Issue Date
Political competency ; Job characteristics ; Nursing professionalism ; Advanced practice nurses
Purpose: This descriptive correlation study was designed to identify the job characteristics of advanced practice nurses (APNs) and the degree of nursing professionalism as factors influencing the political competency of APNs. Additionally, the relationship between these two factors and political competency was analyzed. Methods: Data were collected through an online survey of 118 APNs from June 16 to September 16, 2021. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, a t-test, ANOVA, Scheffé’s test, Pearson’s correlation, and a multiple regression analysis using SPSS/WIN 25.0. Results: Statistically significant differences were noted in the political competency of APNs based on age, workplace, position, experience as an APN, political education, and political party membership. Furthermore, political competency positively correlated with job characteristics and nursing professionalism. The factors affecting the political competency of APNs included skill variety, workplace, political education, political party membership, and nursing professionalism. Conclusion: Findings of this study confirmed the importance of the political competency of APNs. Furthermore, policy efforts to promote independent job development reflecting the job characteristics of APNs and improvement in nursing professionalism are required, and support from professional nursing organizations is needed.
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Lee, Tae Wha(이태화) ORCID logo
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