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Review of Shielding Evaluation Methodology for Facilities Using kV Energy Radiation Generating Devices Based on the NCRP-49 Report

 Na Hye Kwon  ;  Hye Sung Park  ;  Taehwan Kim  ;  Sang Rok Kim  ;  Kum Bae Kim  ;  Jin Sung Kim  ;  Sang Hyoun Choi  ;  Dong Wook Kim 
 Progress in Medical Physics, Vol.33(4) : 53-62, 2022-12 
Journal Title
Progress in Medical Physics
Issue Date
Radiation shielding ; Safety ; Radiation generator ; NCRP 49 report
In this study, we have investigated the shielding evaluation methodology for facilities using kV energy generators. We have collected and analysis of safety evaluation criteria and methodology for overseas facilities using radiation generators. And we investigated the current status of shielding evaluation of domestic industrial radiation generators. According to the statistical data from the Radiation Safety Information System, as of 2022, a total of 7,679 organizations are using radiation generating devices. Among them, 6,299 facilities use these devices for industrial purposes, which accounts for a considerable portion of radiation. The organizations that use these devices evaluate whether the exposure dose for workers and frequent visitors is suitable as per the limit regulated by the Nuclear Safety Act. Moreover, during this process, the safety shields are evaluated at the facilities that use the radiation generating devices. However, the facilities that use radiating devices having energy less than or equal to 6 MV for industrial purposes are still mostly evaluated and analyzed according to the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements 49 (NCRP 49) report published in 1976. We have investigated the technical standards of safety management, including the maximum permissible dose and parameters assessment criteria for facilities using radiation generating devices, based on the NCRP 49 and the American National Standards Institute/Health Physics Society N.43.3 reports, which are the representative reports related to radiation shielding management cases overseas.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Radiation Oncology (방사선종양학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Kim, Dong Wook(김동욱) ORCID logo
Kim, Jinsung(김진성) ORCID logo
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