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Ability of dynamic preload indices to predict fluid responsiveness in a high femoral-to-radial arterial pressure gradient: a retrospective study

 Seon Ju Kim  ;  So Yeon Kim  ;  Hye Sun Lee  ;  Goeun Park  ;  Eun Jang Yoon  ;  Sungtaik Heo  ;  Bon-Nyeo Koo 
 Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, Vol.16(4) : 360-367, 2021-10 
Journal Title
Anesthesia and Pain Medicine
Issue Date
End stage liver disease ; Fluid therapy ; Hemodynamic monitoring ; Liver transplantation
Background: Dynamic preload indices may predict fluid responsiveness in end-stage liver disease. However, their usefulness in patients with altered vascular compliance is uncertain. This study is the first to evaluate whether dynamic indices can reliably predict fluid responsiveness in patients undergoing liver transplantation with a high femoral-to-radial arterial pressure gradient (PG).

Methods: Eighty liver transplant recipients were retrospectively categorized as having a normal (n = 56) or high (n = 24, difference in systolic pressure ≥ 10 mmHg and/or mean pressure ≥ 5 mmHg) femoral-to-radial arterial PG, measured immediately after radial and femoral arterial cannulation. The ability of dynamic preload indices (stroke volume variation, pulse pressure variation [PPV], pleth variability index) to predict fluid responsiveness was assessed before the surgery. Fluid replacement of 500 ml of crystalloid solution was performed over 15 min. Fluid responsiveness was defined as ≥ 15% increase in the stroke volume index. The area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve (AUC) indicated the prediction of fluid responsiveness.

Results: Fourteen patients in the normal, and eight in the high PG group were fluid responders. The AUCs for PPV in the normal, high PG groups and total patients were 0.702 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.553-0.851, P = 0.008), 0.633 (95% CI 0.384-0.881, P = 0.295) and 0.667 (95% CI 0.537-0.798, P = 0.012), respectively. No other index predicted fluid responsiveness.

Conclusions: PPV can be used as a dynamic index of fluid responsiveness in patients with end-stage liver disease but not in patients with altered vascular compliance.
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1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Dept. of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine (마취통증의학교실) > 1. Journal Papers
1. College of Medicine (의과대학) > Yonsei Biomedical Research Center (연세의생명연구원) > 1. Journal Papers
Yonsei Authors
Koo, Bon-Nyeo(구본녀) ORCID logo
Kim, So Yeon(김소연) ORCID logo
Park, Goeun(박고은)
Yoon, Eun Jang(윤은장)
Lee, Hye Sun(이혜선) ORCID logo
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