Problem-Based Learning(PBL) is at the forefront of educational reform. The acceptance of PBL as an educational approach with wide application represents a major change in thinking about educational processes and their relationships to the wider community. In 1969, PBL as a method was introduced at the Medical School of McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada. The most important advantages in PBL are acquiring knowledge that can be retrieved and applied, learning to learn(self-directed learning) and learning to analyze and solve Problems. PBL is widely used within the sector where it had its origin, namely health profession education. A generally accepted starting point in the development of a problem-based curriculum is the set of professional competencies of future graduates, which describe the typical problems professionals have to deal with. Formulating learning objectives highly depends on the format and content of the presented problems. Contrary to that, in a classic course in higher education, it is customary that teachers express objectives in a compulsory subject matter. Curricula which advocate problem-based learning generally use case studies in the form of paper cases, simulations and real patients with the intention of stimulating classroom discussion of clinical and basic science concepts within a problem-solving framework. One goal of using paper cases is to stimulate the learning of basic science within a clinical situation. Through self-directed study the students solve problems and explore the psycho-social dimensions within the cases. The general outcome based on the program evaluation research of PBL is that PBL students respond positively about the learning experience. In summary, PBL is a curriculum design and a teaching/learning strategy which simultaneously develops higher order thinking and disciplinary knowledge bases and skills by placing students in the active role of practitioners(or problem solvers) confronted with a situation(ill-structured problem) which reflects the real world.